Differentiated Services

Exceptional Children, 504, Academic Support, Academically or Intellectually Gifted

At Evergreen Community Charter School, we believe that all students benefit from heterogeneous learning environments where they are encouraged to learn from and collaborate with students of different abilities, backgrounds, and interests. We also believe that students benefit from opportunities to work in smaller, flexible groups with specialized instruction that addresses particular abilities or interests.

Evergreen’s Exceptional Children (EC) and Academic Support programs provide both pull-out and inclusion instruction. Teachers of Exceptional Children and Academic Support provide instruction through

  • differentiation in the classroom

  • small group pull-out prescribed by the student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Academic Support plan

Care Team, Evergreen’s multi-tier system of supports (MTSS) framework, provides targeted support to struggling students. The goal of MTSS is to intervene early, so students can keep pace with their peers. Students who are referred to Care Team participate in multiple interventions, which are designed to support academic growth and achievement, as well as to meet behavior, social, and emotional needs.

Similarly, our unique Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) program follows the Levels of Service Approach, which prescribes services for most students through differentiation in the regular classroom. Some students receive direct instruction from an AIG teacher through reading or math groups.

Differentiated services teachers work collaboratively with teachers to plan instruction, assignments, and homework that accommodate the needs of all children.