Examining Our Own Biases and How They Impact Our Communities

Next Parent Dialogue Session: January 29th at noon (zoom), 30th at 2:00 (in person)


Many deny that bias plays any role in their life. We like to think of ourselves as egalitarian, balanced, considerate. In the first of a two part series, the podcast Hidden Brain reveals our unconscious biases, their relatively new discovery, and how they shape our world without our awareness. The good news is: we are all complicit. The bad news is: we are all complicit.

Follow Shankar Vedantam in this two part series of his podcast, Hidden Brain, as he interviews psychologist  Mahzarin Banaji about her early life, how it affected her career path, and how our unconscious biases shape and are shaped by those around us, and by society at large.

Hidden Brain: Revealing Your Unconscious: Part One - The Origins of the Psychological Tests on Bias

Hidden Brain: Revealing Your Unconscious: Part Two - The link between Beliefs and Behaviors.

Project Implicit - Take Tests to Reveal your biases surrounding: Race, Gender, Sexuality, Age, Religion, and other Social Attitudes. We would recommend listening to both Hidden Brain episodes if you want to explore these tests for important history and context.

If you listen to both episodes and want MORE, check out Mahzarin’s website Outsmarting Implicit Bias where she invites anyone who meets the following criteria come explore the modules and resources offered:

1. Believes in reason & rationality.

2.Wants to live an examined life.

3 Understands that bringing your actions in line with your values is a life long journey.

Or check out her book: Blindspot: hidden biases of good people

And here is more from Hidden Brain about why it is so much easier to detect Unconscious Bias in others, yet fail to see it in yourself:
Hidden Brain: Mind Reading: The Double Standard

Upcoming Parent Dialogue Dates:

February - 21st at noon (zoom), 22nd at 8:30 (in person)

March - 21st at 1:30 (in person), 25th at noon (zoom)
