Evergreen In the News

On the radio, in the newspapers, on the 6 o’clock news, and via Asheville’s homegrown news avenues, Evergreen has been making headlines since opening in 1999.



EDNC: This charter school is ‘destigmatizing difference’ for students with learning differences

May 16th, 2024

WLOS : Evergreen’s Odyssey of the Mind Team among the Best in the world

June 1st, 2023
Link to the video and accompanying article on the WLOS site


WLOS : 'Important for all ages:' Middle schoolers take part in 'My Place in Race' workshop

April 21st, 2023
Link to the video and accompanying article on the WLOS site


The Mountain Xpress: Evergreen Odyssey of the Mind Team Headed to World Finals

April 17th, 2023

Seven fifth graders stand in front of a wooden background. They are smiling and some are giving their friends 'rabbit ears'.  Text at @ top reads: Congrats! Odyssey of the mind team 2. they placed first in state for their work on, 'the pirate problem

Click here to read article on the Mountain X Website

For the second year in a row an Odyssey of the Mind team from Evergreen Community Charter School is taking their problem solving prowess all the way to the World Finals! They placed first in regionals and state, and were the only team in Western NC to do so.

Odyssey of the Mind is a nonprofit organization that encourages students to collaborate and find creative solutions to complex problems by mixing STEM elements of design, engineering, and construction with theatrical elements. Fifth grade team members remarked, “I like that we have to think outside the box and use our brains”, and “I like that you have to work really hard, but then you get it, and it feels so good once you finish because you know you’ve worked so hard”.

Every team member has a chance to shine, share their talents, and learn from each other. It’s a great way for students to push themselves out of their comfort zone and try new things while growing connections to their teammates and team leaders. “You get to make lots of friends and you work really hard together, you get really close and it’s a lot of fun,” says team member Elly, also in fifth grade.

During this year’s competition the team decided to tackle “The Pirate Problem.” This scenario pitted the students against sea monsters. The pirates had to evade their attackers while sailing across the sea in search of their queen’s treasure. The students scripted an original performance, built a pirate ship with propulsion and steering capabilities that could withstand the obstacles they faced, created costumes and set pieces, wrote an original song, and designed a sea monster.

Students now face the all-too-real problem of raising money to cover their travel, lodging, and competition fees so that they can compete in the May 24-27 competition at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. Students have held fundraisers during school events and started a gofundme page in hopes that they can raise enough money to propel their ship north in the face of fundraising obstacles. If you would like to add a little wind to their sails, donations can be made at the team’s GoFundMe Page. Every dollar helps.

The Mountain Xpress: Evergreen awarded Grant to expand Breakfast Program

January 17th, 2023

Evergreen Awarded Jimmie Johnson Foundation’s annual Champions Grant

WLOS: Evergreen Community Charter School pantry gets $1,500 boost from Food Lion

December 12th, 2022

Click here to read the article


WLOS: Some WNC schools to get share of state's $74 million in safety grants

November 22nd, 2022
Read the full story here