This year our Spring Fundraiser: Tourney of the Hoops will not only be raising money, but also working to help reforest our campus and restore our canopy! Thanks to Asheville Greenworks: Each grade level that reaches their fundraising goal will have a tree planted on campus in their honor.
Get Started
Create a page for your family.
It is so simple, even more so since you can copy/ paste this message template to the ‘story’ section of your personal page. You are also totally welcome to customize this message. But if you’re pressed for time, this makes getting registered a breeze.
Signing up multiple children. The easiest way to do this is to set up an account for each child. You may have to use two email addresses to do this. This way you can assign each child to a different team. Alternately, if you choose to only set up one parental account, you can still designate which team you are donating toward with each donation. If you use this method, just make sure you let your family and friends know which team to designate their gift toward.
Set a fundraising goal.
Remember that this goal does NOT need to be met by you alone. Sharing the fundraiser with family and friends who are invested in your student’s success is a great way to harness the collective to accomplish great things!
Pledge any amount that makes sense for your family*. Truly any amount helps. But just setting up this page and sharing is supporting the school.
Share, share, share far and wide. Share with your Family, Friends, and Social/Professional Affinity Groups.
Interested in supporting our event as a sponsor? Find out more by emailing Susan Haldane using the button below.
Executive Director, Jen Watkins Talks Tourney
Classroom Fundraising Goal: $2,750
Grade Level Fundraising Goal: $5,500
Staff Goal: $500
Overall School Goal: $50,000
*In this time of hardship for our area, we want to emphasize that we understand not everyone is in a position to give financially. Sharing the fundraiser with family, friends, and affiliation groups like churches or social groups, is an important form of support. Volunteering during the event is also a wonderful way to support our community.