Evergreen relies on Community Support 

Since our founding in 1999, Evergreen has empowered more than 9,000 students to do big things through academic mastery, character development, and craftpersonship. Our teachers and staff are exemplary leaders in education, but this is not enough. Changing the world requires a collective.

As a tuition-free public school, government funding per student is significantly less than traditional public schools and we receive zero funding for capital improvements.

The Evergreen Fund bridges the funding gap. It heats our school during the winter. It provides counseling services for our students. It staffs our classrooms with associate teachers. It funds educational programming that not only teaches students about physics and algebra but also how to be good people.

Support The Evergreen Fund Today

Exploring Other Ways to Give

  • Cash gifts are fully tax-deductible (for those who itemize) and provide the most convenient form of giving. Checks may be sent to:

    ATTN: Susan Haldane, Director of Development
    Evergreen Community Charter School
    50 Bell Road, Asheville, N.C. 28805

    Many employers will match your donation! Please contact your Human Resources Department or equivalent. Some businesses don’t have a formal policy but are eager to support the causes valued by their employees.

  • Sponsorships are excellent avenues for businesses to illustrate their support of the Asheville community. Besides making you feel good, Evergreen sponsorships are also rife with benefits that increase profit margins. To learn more about becoming a corporate sponsor, please call our Director of Development, Susan Haldane at (828) 298 2173 x1216 or email using the form below.

  • Gifts of securities, such as appreciated stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, can be a tax-wise way to support Evergreen. For stock transfer information, please call our Director of Development, Susan Haldane at (828) 298 2173 x1216 or email using the form at the bottom of this page.

  • By including Evergreen in your will or trust, you can ensure the pursuit of excellence in holistic education of mind, body, and spirit will endure for decades to come. Doing so allows you to:

    Support an academically challenging, developmentally appropriate, experiential, holistic, child-centered education for generations of young people

    Make a gift in honor of someone

    Glean substantial tax savings

    Avoid some aspects of the probate process

    Retain control of your assets

    To make your bequest to Evergreen Community Charter School, please use the following language:
    I give, devise and bequeath to Evergreen Community Charter School (EIN: 56-2094405), a nonprofit organization, the sum of $ _______ (or a particular asset, or ___% of my estate, or ___% of the rest and remainder of my estate) for its general purposes.

    For additional information, (828) 298 2173 x1216

Contact the Director of Development, Susan Haldane