Volunteers are the Heart of our community
Evergreen is grounded in the philosophy that all community members will work together to ensure the success of each child at Evergreen. We are crew. We depend on volunteers. Families are encouraged to find a variety of ways to contribute their time and talents to fulfill their monthly volunteer commitment. There are several Parent Committees and Board Committees, there are descriptions of each below.
To Give of your Time:
Review Volunteer Policies
Fill out our 2024-2025 Volunteer Interest Survey
Complete a Background Check
Watch for emails/ announcements in The Scoop requesting your participation! Some common areas of need are below outlined in Volunteer Opportunities
Join a Board Committee (outlined below)
Please Log Hours in the Volunteer Log! Hours can be logged per occurrence or cumulatively (ie. I spend 1 hour each week washing and folding classroom rags, there are approx 36 weeks in the school year so I can log 36 hours once, or I can log 1 hours each week)
Believe it or not: This accounting can actually help us as we are writing grants because we can demonstrably show a community that is invested in our collective work!
Year-Long or Key School Event
Adventure/PE Volunteer: Assist Adventure/PE teacher with fitness testing, class assistance and various other support functions.
Advocacy (Legislative Contact): This committee focuses on advocating for charter schools to legislators and the public in issues such as funding and the cap on charter schools. If you sign up for this committee you may write letters to the local news media and contact state legislators. You may attend meetings and strategy sessions locally or in Raleigh.
Art Room Volunteer: Support art teacher by accompanying a class/grade level to their art class and assisting with hands-on art lessons, mat and prepare student artwork for display on a weekly basis, wash brushes and organize art supplies, or share your talents as an artist-in-residence in collaboration with art teacher.
Can Crew Recycling Program: Collecting cans for the climbing wall. Members of this committee will think of ways to involve parents and children in the program, as well as collect cans from locations around campus and area businesses. Once a month, take cans to the recycling center.
Classroom Volunteer: Assist classroom teachers as needed. This can include making copies, creating student packets, and other support functions.
Compassion/Robin’s Nest: Assist Evergreen families in times of need in a variety of ways. If you sign up for this committee you might help with the following: supporting families during times of need, sickness or bereavement; providing lunch items for students needing lunch assistance; implementing the Evergreen Giving Tree program; organizing the Robin's Nest food pantry and clothing closet; helping with fundraisers for the Compassion Fund.
Event Photography: Photograph school-wide events for publications, annual report, etc. If you sign up for this committee you might take pictures at the New Parent Breakfast, Fall Family Nights, Holiday Program, Exhibition Nights, Grandparents Day, Earth Day and/or Graduation and Moving Up.
Gardening: Care for the school’s gardens. Volunteers will help water, weed and mow the garden area throughout the year.
Grounds/Landscaping: Care for school grounds, planning and organizing community work days for planting, leaf raking, mowing, litter pick up, spreading mulch in August, etc. If you sign up for this committee you might give ideas for workdays, participate in workdays, help to maintain the EL Trail around the campus, and make calls to other committee members.
Hospitality/Events: Organize and provide refreshments and logistics for school functions. If you sign up for this committee you might be called to help provide and/or serve food at school gatherings, especially Grandparents Day. The committee also helps with event logistics and setup.
Lost and Found: Requires monthly visits to the lost and found bins. If you sign up for this committee you will be going through the lost and found looking for names to return items to the appropriate child.
Office Support
Front Desk Assistant: Covering the front desk. If you sign up for this committee you will relieve Margaret at the front desk during lunch breaks, staff meetings, and illness. You might also type and/or answer phones.
Periodic Office Assistance: Clerical work, phone call reminders, sort mail, make copies, etc., as needed.
Student Services Assistance: Help Director of Student Services by making copies, addressing letters, putting together tour info, etc.
Individual Activities
Grant Writing: Professional grant-writers to assist the Development Director and faculty in researching and writing grants.
Proctoring EOG Testing: State testing requires each Test Administrator (Evergreen teachers) to have a proctor. If you sign up for this activity you will be responsible for helping by monitoring the students. Testing occurs in May.
Graduation Panel Judge: Be a member of a three-person panel which evaluates and judges 8th grade portfolio presentations at the end of the school year.
Facilities Committee
This committee is appropriate for those with expertise in facilities management, transportation, HVAC, building, construction, or architecture. If you sign up for this committee you will be working to provide board oversight and strategic direction regarding school facilities, including building and grounds needs, prioritizing operations and capital needs, and ensuring we are good environmental stewards.
Finance Committee
Good candidates for this committee are those with audit, financial management, and strategic planning backgrounds. If you sign up for this committee you will work closely with the Executive Director to ensure adequate fiscal controls are in place to protect the assets of the school, an annual audit is completed and reviewed, investment policies reflect school values, establish the school’s annual budget, and help guide the school’s strategic direction.
Instructional Leadership
This committee addresses programmatic areas that have been identified as priorities. If you sign up for this committee you will be involved in implementing the school improvement process by overseeing the faculty leadership teams: Environmental Education, Health and Wellness, Technology, and Curriculum. Instructional Leadership identifies appropriate school-wide goals that will increase student performance (based on a wealth of data and research) and monitors the implementation of strategies to reach those goals. Instructional Leadership works to further the mission of ECCS.
Legislative Committee
Responsibilities include investigating and creating ways to increase funding for all public schools and equitable funding for charters, inform community about specific bills and how to have a voice, build relationships with legislators, collaborate with all public schools in order to build bridges and create a unified voice for more per-pupil funding at the state level.