Grace Lambeth
Grace grew up in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia for the first 8 years of her life. In 3rd grade, she and her family moved to Paris, France where they lived for 2 years, before returning to western Virginia for middle and highschool. Living in France was one of the best experiences of her life and instilled a love of travel and a passion for meeting and interacting with people from all over the world! She first attended Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, which enabled her to participate in a fantastic study abroad program in the Netherlands. She then went on to finish her degree at Warren Wilson College and graduated with a BA in Psychology and Music. She has since made a home in the lovely community of Black Mountain where she enjoys playing music, spending time with her dog and fiance, and collecting as many plants as she can!
For the past three years she has worked with K-1 in EverAfter, Evergreen’s afterschool program, and is very excited to transition to her new role this year as a fourth grade associate!