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Accessibility: Upcoming Dates for September: Sept 18-26 | Scholastic Book Fair, Sept 21 | Student Led Conferences - Evening Hours, Sept 21 | Board Meeting, Sept 22 | Student Led Conferences - No Classes - Morning Hours, Sept 25 | Title I Parent Meeting - Zoom Option, Sept 26 | Title I Parent Meeting - 5:30pm In Person, Sept 26-27 | Picture Days, Sept 29 - Development Committee, Sept 29 - Parent Dialogue Series - In Person

Student-Led Conferences

Student-Led Conferences are upon us! For parents of younger students, this first conference will be teacher-led, but you can look forward to your young scholar presenting their own work in the spring!

How can you make the most of this time with your student/ student’s teacher:

  • Write down any general questions you might have ahead of time.

  • Consider diverse voices, ideas, and perspectives as equally valid.

  • Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

  • Embrace a mindset that promotes learning.

  • Seek opportunities to celebrate and share in gratitude.

  • Bring concerns to the table with curiosity and compassion.

Here is an article to learn more about the educational philosophy behind the Student-Led Conference.

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There’s no quick or foolproof way to talk about the complexities of race with your child(ren). But, it’s a conversation all families need to have, no matter your race, background, education or experience. Let’s get started, continue, or expand the conversation together.
Click Blue/Teal/Purple (Left on Desktop) Graphic for RSVP form.

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Curious about Evergreen Acedemically/Intellectuall Gifted program AKA A. I. G. Program?

Click on the Purple and Gold Graphic (Right on Desktop) for a program overview and qualifying criteria.

How does Title I Affect Me?

Please join one of the meetings to learn about Title I funds at Evergreen. We'll discuss funding, staffing, interventions, and collaborate on ways to involve parents. Learn more about Title I here.

Sept 25th, 12pm on zoom or

Sept 26th, 5pm in person at Evergreen

Accessibility: Volunteers Needed to assist with ushering students to and from class, distributing paperwork, etc. Sept 26 & 27. Click the Graphic to sign up.

Photography provided by

Social Emotional Learning Skill: Self Regulation

This month in K4 Guidance Lessons we focused on Feelings and Coping Strategies to use to get ourselves regulated and ready to learn. Self-regulation is likely to be a word that you will hear during the school year at some point. Are you familiar with this term? Self-regulation means that you can manage your emotions when they are strong. In order to help your child develop this skill, try practicing a strong emotion (like sadness or anger). Work with your child and discuss techniques to regulate their emotions to regain control and maintain composure even when their emotions are strong. Techniques can include: breathing, turning your feelings into song, counting, connecting with the earth, and movement. What are your favorite self-regulation techniques?

Accessibility: Breathing Skills: 1. Slowly trace a star shape breathe in as you trace one side of an arm. Hold Breath at the tip of each point, and release breathe as you trace your way back to the center. 2. Trace a figure eight, breathing in for one loop and switching at the center to breathing out for the second loop. Pretend there is a flower (or muffin) in your hand, bring it to your face and deeply inhale through your nose, then slowly exhale through your mouth. 4. Picture of a pufferfish. Breathe in through your nose, puff out your cheeks like a pufferfish, breathe out through your mouth.

Accessibility: Grounding Skills: 1. Look for 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can smell, 2 things you can feel, 1 thing you can taste. 2. Count up to ten, Count down from ten. 3. Hold water in both hands and take slow sips. 4. Squeeze a ball, wait for it to expand, and squeeze it again. 5. Shake a glitter bottle and watch it settle.

Take advantage of this Free Webinar Series Airing in October

Earlier this year, Attorney General Stein convened leaders from across North Carolina to discuss the challenges facing our youth and strategies to help keep them safe – and following that event, several parents noted that they wished there was a way to share this important information with others who are concerned about our kids. To do so, the NC Department of Justice is organizing a series of webinars targeted to parents, caregivers, and those who work with youth.

This series – Protecting the Next Generation of North Carolinians – will address four specific topics, one per each brief session, and at each, we’ll convene experts to provide background information and practical tips to help keep NC kids healthy and safe. We’ll cover topics including online dangers for youth, safe gun storage, and youth substance use. More information on the series is available here

The series kicks off in October with Keeping Kids Safe at School, at Home, and in our Communities with Safe Gun Storage.

  • Wednesday, October 4 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

  • Speakers include NC Department of Public Safety Deputy Secretary William Lassiter, Raleigh Police Department Lieutenant Billy Gartin, parent advocate Baker Burleson, and Attorney General Josh Stein

  • Register here

Accessibility: Thank you! Abby and Jon Stoian, Christopher and Josef Rupp for participating in last weekend’s workday and being the change we wished to see on campus!

Thank you! Mary Bulan and Kiera Mulvey Bulan, Little Farm, Black Mountain for sharing this beautiful space and hosting a super sweet social event to raise money for the Evergreen Fund!

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Breakfast! Available each morning in the foyer! No need to pre-order, $2.75 will be charged to your MPP account, unless you qualify for free/reduced lunch, then there is no charge! Click on the pink graphic for the weekly menu.

Chocolate Hearts read: Merci! Image Text in Caption

A Note from Kellam, Teacher Appreciation Coordinator: Fearless Parents, School has started and our brave teachers and staff are back to give our kiddos their best. Let’s show them how much we care by giving them a special treat once a week (preferably Thursday) in the staff lounge. Click the graphic for a sign-up form.