Dear Evergreeners,

I never imagined Evergreen would feel so much like a home. This time of year has so many familiar rhythms in planning for the start of school and the energy of staff returning to campus and readying for students and families. The anticipation and excitement of orientation and the first days of school reminds me of how excited my own children were to begin Kindergarten at Evergreen with Ms. Heather so many years ago - hard to believe my kiddos are already practically adults! 

When I joined the Evergreen community in 2006, I didn’t expect I would stay for long, and certainly didn’t think that I would love this community so deeply as I do today. I remember immediately being struck by how well everyone knew each other and by how much care and love went into each person - staff and students alike. I am continually in awe of this community and the ways that people reach out and support each other. For many of us, it has been a seriously tumultuous few months. The depths of grief in the losses in our community alongside the uncertainty of transitions has left many struggling. And, what I see every day in this struggle is extra compassion, people checking on each other, connecting authentically, smiling, crying, hugging, laughing together. This love, this support, is why I’ve stayed and what I want to be sure continues as part of the fabric of the community. We all thrive when we feel supported, feel valued, and feel belonging. Even when things aren’t as hard, please keep doing these same things for each other - they matter.  


I feel privileged to have been part of this community for so many years and in a variety of capacities - parent, academic support teacher, and 5-8 Associate Director before my current position - and having these experiences helps ground me in my new role. I’m grateful for your trust in me as we navigate this transitional period, one with grief and heartache intermingling with happiness, laughter, and compassion, as a strong and connected community. 

Thank you to each one of you for making Evergreen as special as it is, and thank you for working with us to improve our community and working to ensure that all of our kids are thriving and learning how to improve the world through their actions and words.

For all of you, but especially those of you who are new, my door is open. I would love to hear about your kids, learn about your family, your work, what you’re passionate about, and how Evergreen feels for you. Can we have coffee? Chat in the parking lot? Take a walk on the trail? It is my hope that you all find the same sense of home as I have at Evergreen. Let’s keep supporting each other and finding joy in our days, perhaps even in the traffic line! Who knows when a rainbow unicorn will be directing traffic. ;)

PS - a few housekeeping things:

  • Back to school illnesses, including Covid, are popping up all over school and in the wider community. Here are the guidelines we recommend for when to keep your child home from school. 

  • We will be using texting more often this year for communications - please make sure you have opted in to receiving texts by texting YES to 87569. We’ll send out a test text early next week. 

  • Join us on Sept 11th at 6:15pm for a special screening of The Big Payback - a movie about the reparations journey followed by a conversation co-led by the Racial Justice Coalition and Building Bridges

  • Tired of sitting in traffic? Consider carpooling. Fill out the interest form to get more info.