5 Weeks of Summer Adventure

Summer Camp Registration will begin soon! Keep your eye on the Scoop, the EverAfter Newsletter, and Social Media where we will announce when registration opens!

The weeks offered will include: June 24th-28th, July 8-12, July 15-19, July 22-26, and July 29-Aug 2.

More details to come! We hope to see your adventurer there!

Culture Disciples Book Club

The Culture Disciples Book Club will meet February 22nd, from 3:45pm-4:45pm, in Marin’s Classroom to discuss Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s book, This Earth of Mankind.

"An educated person must learn to act justly, beginning, first of all, with his thoughts, then later in his deeds. That is what it means to be educated."

When To Keep Your Child Home From School

Straight from the nurse’s desk, here is a list of symptoms to screen for, and how long to wait after symptoms subside before re-entering the school setting.

You can always find this document on our website under the Evergreen Families Tab, listed as “When To Keep Your Child Home from School”.

If you have any questions, please speak with your healthcare provider, or feel free to call Nurse Amy at 828-298-2173, extension 1258.

Let’s keep Evergreen Strong by keeping germs at bay!

Civics in Action: Middle Schoolers to host City Council candidate Forum in february

Three seats are up for election. The candidates running include:

Evergreen Middle School students will lead the forum with council candidates on the stage in front of a live audience. The event will be livestreamed and the recording posted on Evergreen’s YouTube channel. 

Students will research local issues, get input from residents, and create questions that reflect what’s important to the community. There will also be an opportunity for the audience to submit questions to the candidates. 

Recognizing that it may be hard for residents with young children to come to events like these, we will be offering free childcare. If you intend to use childcare: Register Here!

Important Election Info:

Fifth Grade is Collecting Food Donations during the month of February

Click the image above to read an article from MANNA about the skyrocketing need for food donations in WNC.

Fifth Grade is collecting donations for MANNA Food Bank’s Annual Student Food Drive. Collection bins will be placed in the office, main entrance foyer, middle school hallway, and the 5/6 hallway. All unexpired, non-perishable food collected will be donated to the non-profit at the end of February. 

Requesting :

  • Canned food (veggies, pasta sauce, etc.),

  • Dry foods (cereal, rice, pasta, meal kits, etc.),

  • Snacks (bars, fruit, apple sauce, etc.)

Click here to be connected to resources.

Please give what you can, or use the available resources if you need help!

You can use the Food Finder link, right, or remember that Evergreen has a food pantry with resources available anytime you may need assistance, just ask at the front desk, or email Sarah Shah.

Girls On The Run Program Seeks Girls, and Coaches!

This is a program for3rd-5th grade girls both at Evergreen as well as schools that have partnered with EverAfter

We are looking for ONE MORE volunteer to “coach” our Evergreen Girls on the Run program. Lessons are already mapped out for you in terms of what you focus on at practice and there is very minimal prep. It is strictly volunteer based-no payment. To help incentivize parent coaches, we are offering a program fee discount for parents of participants who complete training and coach at least one practice each week.

Interested? Please fill out this Coach Application.  There is an in person training component, as well as online training for coaches and each site needs at least 2 trained coaches for 8-15 girls, and 3 trained coaches for up to 20 girls. 

Want to register a runner?

Community Fundraising

And knowing that if we work together, things go more smoothly!

Right now, through March 1st, Evergreen Community Charter School is going to be extending 50% of all donations to Building Bridges of Asheville.

Let’s work together to fund this local organization with a beautiful vision, a strong mission, and values worthy of our support.

No matter where you are in your work, you’ll benefit from their 9 week session coming up March 11th.

Learn more at: bbavl.org

Tourney of the Hoops - March 18th

This year Winners of Round One and Two will be winning the 2024 Tourney of the Hoops official T-Shirt. We thought it might add a bit of stakes to the games, and pride in the t-shirt if it was won vs given.

Grades K-2 will still receive a t-shirt for participation, and everyone will be receiving another surprise small token for participating. T-shirts will also be available for sale this year for anyone who wants one!

On Game Day grades 3-8 will need to show up in their team color! We will be ordering shirts for the winners once those are determined, but K-2 and Game Refs will have shirts for Game Day!

  • 3rd & 6th Grade - Blue!

  • 4th & 7th Grade - Green!

  • 5th & 8th Grade - Red!

Be a cheerleader on or off the pitch! If you can make it that day: wonderful! You can sign up to be part of the cheer squad or a referee, or just be a smiling supportive face in the crowd! Off the field you can share your pledge page widely and often. You can ask your business if they’d like to sponsor the event. You can make signs or decorations for fans to wave!

Celebrate School Counselors During National School Counseling Week

With the Director’s letter last week and The Scoop going out every Thursday this year, we realize we are a little late in celebrating with our wonderful Evergreen Community, but…HAPPY NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK! 

Falling on the first full week of February every year, National School Counseling Week aims to spotlight the unique contributions of School Counselors to students, staff, and families within the educational setting. This week also highlights the many ways that students are positively impacted as a result of what school counselors do. As the field of school counseling has evolved over the years, research has shown that there are actually many common misconceptions about school counselors around  their role, services/programming, and even their competencies/qualifications. We hope the following links will provide more insight into who school counselors are, what they do, and where they fit into the equation for student success!

Who Are School Counselors?

Guidance Counselor vs. School Counselor: The Title Matters!

The Essential Role of The Elementary Counselor

The Essential Role of The Middle School Counselor

School Counselors Matter

Left: Annie Mast, K-4 Counselor,
Right: Hunter Holland, 5-8 Counselor

Here at Evergreen, Counselors play a critical role in our comprehensive and holistic education model by designing, facilitating, and evaluating learning opportunities that address the social, emotional, and academic well-being of all of our students. Evergreen’s counselors hold master’s degrees and licensure in mental health. With combined training, experience, and passion for supporting students, Evergreen’s School Counselors are an integral part of the school. They work with students individually, in small groups, and in whole class settings while also collaborating with teachers, administration, families, and community supports to ensure student needs are met. To learn more about Evergreen’s counselors and the counseling program, please visit Evergreen’s counseling page. Parents or community members with specific questions or concerns about the school counseling program may contact Annie (K-4) and Hunter (5-8). General information information can also be found on ASCA’s website: www.schoolcounselor.org.

Take a Moment to
Thank Annie!

Take a Moment to
Thank Hunter!

EverGood Neighbors

The EARC (neighboring pool) occasionally allows our staff access to their parking lots during special events. We would love for this to continue. The trail that leads to the EARC parking lot should not be used unless that parking lot is being used during special events. Also, please do not allow children to climb on their signage or gates.

We have also noticed that people are not coming to a full stop at the bottom of the school’s driveway When exiting the school. There is no stop sign on the main road. This is dangerous to our neighbors who have the right of way.

Please help us be good neighbors by respecting the rules of the road, and our neighbor’s boundaries.

FREE Community Workshops

Click image above to register

The North Carolina Department of Justice (NC DOJ) is working hard to keep kids safe. Youth today face a variety of challenges – some that may be familiar to parents and many that simply did not exist in generations past, before fentanyl, cell phones, and social media. To help support parents, caregivers, and people who work with children and youth, NCDOJ launched a webinar series: Protecting the Next Generation of North Carolinians.

 We invite you to join the upcoming session on Youth Substance Use, in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS): 

  • Wednesday, February 28 from 12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.

  • Speakers include:

    • Kelly Crosbie, MSW, LCSW, NC DHHS Director of the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Services (DMHDDSUS)

    • Randy Abbott, Parent Advocate; Recovery Resource Advocate, Alcohol/Drug Council of NC

    • Jarmichael R. Harris, MS, LCAS, Director of Scholastic Recovery, Addiction Professionals of NC

    • Attorney General Josh Stein, NC DOJ


This webinar is designed to provide parents, caregivers, grandparents, and others with helpful information and practical tips to help keep NC kids healthy and safe.

According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, in the last month 65,000 (8.14%) North Carolinians aged 12 to 17 report using drugs, and 9.17% report using alcohol. What is more, since their introduction in 2011, rates of youth e-cigarette use in North Carolina have steadily increased, impacting 20.9% of high school students and 6.1% of middle school students in 2019.

To learn more about the Protecting the Next Generation of North Carolinians webinar series, which includes previous sessions on Safe Gun Storage and Online Crimes, scan the QR code or visit the webinar series website.

Please join us on Feb. 28th – and please share this invitation broadly with others who may be interested.

Going to the doctor?

a dentist, a therapist,

a kid-centric club/group/activity?

Take a few flyers w/ you!

Please only take these to businesses where you have a relationship, and ask before you leave them!

Welcome to the Flyering Committee!

Our General Flyer- great for Kindy-general elem enrollment

Middle School Specific Flyer - Please take to spaces that you and/or your Middle Schooler frequent!

Flyers are available for pick up in the Main Office now thru the end of February!

Evergreen Community Charter School is currently recruiting Board members who can represent our Asheville community for the 2024-2025 school year!

Are you interested in stepping into Evergreen’s leadership?  We encourage everyone interested to apply!

Serving on the Evergreen Board is both an honor and a gift offered by Board members. A Board term is three years. Here is a little information about the structure of the Board, Board roles, and expectations of Board members. Please share the Board application with friends and others in your network!!

Applications are due February 28. If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Laine Talley, Chair of the Nominating & Evaluation Committee using this form.

Little Actions, Big Payoffs

Earn cash for Evergreen by taking a moment to link your grocery accounts to the school! This has to be done anew each year. Have you re-registered yet?

Remember Box Tops for Education? Now you don’t even have to cut off the cereal box top and save them in plastic baggies, we’re in the digital age, baby! Simply download the App and scan your receipts, wherever you shop.

Artsonia also gives a percentage of your purchases to the school. So start your masterpiece mug collection!

Evergreen School # 10713