Inclement Weather

A reminder that Evergreen does not follow Buncombe County or Asheville City Schools in weather related decisions. When we decide to close or delay, we communicate that information via text, phone call, social media announcement, a pop-up on the website’s landing page, and WLOS school closings page.

You can review the official policies in the handbook. (Page 53)

We recognize that our school community commutes from differing parts of the county, and that weather can look very different, depending on your elevation. If conditions where you live are unsafe, you may make the determination not to attend classes that day, and that absence will be excused. Please just let us know by filling out the Tardy/ Absent Form.

Evergreen is closed in honor of MLK Jr Day on Monday, January 15th. If you are able, please join us for a day of service at The Burton Street Peace Garden.

The Burton Street Peace Garden and Market is a community hub for environmental stewardship and social justice projects that support the resiliency of both human and natural ecosystems in the Burton Street neighborhood of West Asheville and beyond!  Growing food, sustaining pollinators and wildlife, engaging youth, caring for elders, growing community through sharing story and voice, through art and activism...these are just some of the ways the community at Burton Street are doing the work.  

If you are craving being in a space with others who are living a mission similar to ours here at Evergreen, this is a place and a time where you can do that.  
Kids welcome!

Other Ways to Honor Dr. King in the coming week:

  • Kenilworth Celebration, a potluck followed by a discussion of the unique connection between Soul City and Asheville.

  • Peace Rally and March to Pack Square which happens every year sponsored by Martin Luther King Jr. Association of Asheville and Buncombe Co. The march portion meets at 12:30 at St. James AME, 44 Hildebrand Street. If you choose to attend the service beforehand, we urge you to reserve seating for community members who attend the church regularly.

  • Candlelight Service held at Trinity Episcopal.

A Fun, Schoolwide Fund-Raising Tournament: Tourney of the Hoops. March 18th, 2024. Evergreen community Charter School.

The picture shows children on a playing field. One child in the foreground is running toward a traffic cone with Hula Hoops balanced around it.

Tourney of the Hoops

Three Age Brackets.
Three Ridiculous Trophies.
One Goal: To Have Fun while
Raising Money for the School!

March 11th-15th is Spirit Week. In addition to fun dress days, (purposefully planned to be as stress free as possible!) students will gather pledges through personal pledge pages. Sponsors can pledge per minute of play or give a set donation amount.

Each day grade levels will have a chance to win incentives based on percentage of grade level participation (vs dollar amount).

Save the Date! More information and volunteer sign-up sheets to come!


We are looking for volunteers to chaperone the middle school dance on February 2, 2024. 

Middle schoolers don't always want their own parents chaperoning their dance, so we are asking our whole community to help out.

The sign up link is HERE.
There are slots open from 5:30pm-8:30pm.  


Annie and Bash, trying to blend in on campus!

Hello Evergreen Families!

For this week’s Counseling Corner I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. Many of you might already know me, but I am likely a new face to our new families this year! My name is Annie Mast and I am the Elementary Counselor/Behavior Support for Kindergarten – 4th Grade. I am returning from maternity leave after having a baby this past July, and I am excited to be back with all of you in this wonderful Evergreen Community!

A little about me: My family includes my husband Mike (“Coach Mike” to some of our Evergreen Ultimate Frisbee Alum!), our new baby Sebastian (“Bash”), our sweet fur-family Rory (dog), and Callie and Wookie (Cats). I fill my bucket by playing music, seeing live music, dancing, and getting outside in the sunshine! But, right now my most favorite thing to do is just being at home with my family, playing with Baby Bash and introducing him to all of the wonder and beauty in the world! I am a North Carolina native, but I spent 8 years living in Memphis, TN and Atlanta, GA working as a Music Therapist and Creative Expressive Arts Therapist before settling in Asheville in 2014. I first came to Evergreen as a graduate intern in 2016 and officially joined the staff in 2017 after completing my Master’s in Counseling at Western Carolina. I LOVE music and believe deeply in its ability to soothe and heal, and I actively seek opportunities to integrate music/arts into my role here at school, including joining Mr. Brian for K-2 Song Circle every Thursday morning…it is one of the highlights of my week!

As your Elementary Counselor, I work alongside students, staff, and families to support our students in becoming their best selves. It is a great honor to support your children, be part of their journeys, and witness their hard work and growth each year. The counseling programming I provide includes both individual and small group counseling opportunities, whole class social-emotional learning lessons, and on-call response for students needing in-the-moment support during the school day. You can learn more about me and the programming I provide HERE. You are welcome to reach out to me throughout the school year as needs arise. Please let me know if there are ways I can offer support/assistance to your child. And lastly, if you see me in the halls, please come up to say hello and introduce yourself!

I am so looking forward to meeting and getting to know our new students and families who I haven’t met yet!

Evergreen Community Charter School is currently recruiting Board members who can represent our Asheville community for the 2024-2025 school year!

Are you interested in stepping into Evergreen’s leadership?  We encourage everyone interested to apply!

Serving on the Evergreen Board is both an honor and a gift offered by Board members. A Board term is three years. Here is a little information about the structure of the Board, Board roles, and expectations of Board members. Please share the Board application with friends and others in your network!!

Applications are due February 28. If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Laine Talley, Chair of the Nominating & Evaluation Committee at

Little Actions, Big Payoffs

Earn cash for Evergreen by taking a moment to link your grocery accounts to the school! This has to be done anew each year. Have you re-registered yet?

Remember Box Tops for Education? Now you don’t even have to cut off the cereal box top and save them in plastic baggies, we’re in the digital age, baby! Simply download the App and scan your receipts, wherever you shop.

Artsonia also gives a percentage of your purchases to the school. So start your masterpiece mug collection!

Evergreen School # 10713