Back To School Edition!

Teachers and Staff are back and busy getting everything ready for 2023-2024, our 25th year as a school! We are so excited to share this milestone year with you, whether you are just getting started on your Evergreen journey - or you’re an Everlaster!

Get Organized!

Before Parent Orientation next week, please take some time to prepare for the school year.

School Fees

All beginning of the year school fees have been uploaded to MyPayments Plus (MPP). That includes supply fees, insurance and fieldwork fees for grades that charge upfront for those. Please keep in mind the following:

  • Fees are due August 23, 2023

  • If you signed up for auto pay, you will be contacted by Jean Reese and charged the first week in September 

  • If you have requested financial assistance, it will be applied to your fees as soon as it is processed - don’t pay the fees until financial assistance has been applied

  • New Parents: Use the Register Now Button to create an account! You will need your student’s id number and can contact James Wilson or Kelly Stephenson if you don’t have it

If you would like to request financial assistance you can get the request form on the website HERE. If you have questions about financial assistance or payment plans please contact Beth Rankin.

EverAfter Registration

EverAfter is currently enrolling, and will be open from the first day of school on August 17th. Use this link to enroll, but please also review recent updates for 23-24 on the EverAfter website.

If you have not registered yet but plan to use the program in August, you need to register by Monday morning (8/14) at 9AM.

If you are interested in the program for the purpose of Clubs and Wolfpack Sports but not for daily care, you do not need to register until the activities are announced. Announcement on Clubs and Sports will happen sometime between August 24 and September 1. Club and Sports announcements will come from everafter{at}evergreenccs{dot}org, and will also be repeated in the Scoop."

Most questions about the program can be answered by reviewing the website and also the confirmation emails that happen after registration. For additional questions about the EverAfter program, please email program director James Wilson. (Don't email is a no-reply address!)"

Parent Orientation Slideshow

Next week a LOT of information will be given during Parent Orientation. You can prepare ahead of time by reading through the slideshow. It is available online, anytime. We will not be reviewing this at length or reading it aloud to you during Orientation, so we need you to read it beforehand. We’ve done some updating and consolidating to make this concise as possible while still giving you the important information you need.

Read all the way through then fill out the embedded form to let your teachers and admin know what questions you are left with! Parent Orientation Slideshow

August 16th - Parent Orientation & Potlucks!

Plan to park in the lower lot and walk up, please reserve spaces nearest the school for families with mobility issues, and as always: no parking on the driveway. Children will be dropped off in their classrooms, and adults will report to the gym. Please plan to bring camp chairs or a picnic blanket for the potluck social after the orientation.

Kindergarten - Fourth Grade will be attending Orientation 8:30am- 11:30am

Fifth- Eighth Grades will be attending Orientation 1:00pm-4:00pm

If you have children in both the morning and afternoon orientations, the children both/all need to attend their respective orientations. As a parent, you may choose to attend either the morning or afternoon session and skip the first hour of the other session.

As much as we love and treasure your furry friends, please leave them at home for this event.

This year we are bringing back the potluck for Parent Orientation! Classroom letters will instruct you as to where you should drop your potluck offering.

Let’s review our Potluck Norms to keep everyone safe. We have a blanket restriction on peanuts and tree nuts since the results for those with allergies can be so very drastic. Please ensure your offerings contain no peanuts or tree nuts (including coconut, cashew, pine nuts (pignole) etc.) Other allergy restrictions are listed per grade level on the signup forms.

Please label your dish with all ingredients. This is very important for people with food sensitivities or food preferences. We appreciate our community’s willingness to look out for all of our members, even when it means we must be a little more creative or think outside of our go-to options! There are printable labels linked to each sign in sheet.

Bring your own bowls/cups/ utensils, if you are able, to cut down on disposable use!

Silver Linings : Celebrating 25 Years with a Wolf Pack Throwback!

Good things happen when we work together! Check out this video from 10 years ago when Evergreen came together to construct our colossal climbing wall!


New or Returning Families: Don’t Get VolunTOLD, Choose how you get involved fill out the form below!

Mobile Users: please use this link for a better user experience

This form is long, but please stick with it if your interests lie more in single event service, one-off work days, or other types of service opportunities. There is also space to list your businesses to be included in our Evergreen Business Directory. We would love to build a more complete picture of our business community and encourage you all to support each other!


The classrooms are being assembled!

You can add each event or the whole calendar to your device through Google Calendar!

Classroom Photos, Event Invites, News… Like and Follow us on Social Media for the full scoop!