Community Work Day This Saturday, November 18th 9 o’clock am until Noon
Grandparents, Friends, and Folx Day - November 21st
Grandparents, Friends, and Folx are invited to come get to know Evergreen on Tuesday, November 21st, the last day before Thanksgiving Break!
Please pass this invite to anyone who did not get one yet!
Grandparents, Friends, and Folx can RSVP using this link!
Students are welcome to leave for break with their special person at the end of the event, parents will just need to let teachers know!
Collect Your Cans for the Adventure Program
The holidays are coming up, people are gathering again, parties are being planned, and we all know what that means: seltzer water. Tons and tons of healthful, fizzy seltzer water!
Please make a plan to keep your aluminum separated, and bring it to the trailer near the gym so that our Adventure Program can turn all those spent cylinders into cold hard cash!
Tell your neighbors you’ll take theirs too. Set up a collection trailer in your driveway.
Work in the service industry? Set up a system at work and we’ll come up with an arrangement to make both businesses greener!
Or just bring your cans, each and every one counts! Thanks all, and please consume from aluminium responsibly!
Welcome to our new blog Growth Rings.
Growth Rings will be published monthly and will contain the material we will use to spark our conversations for growth in our community.
There will be two opportunities to join the conversations each month: The Parent Dialogue Series. We will try to vary the times for these events understanding that no one time can possibly fit all needs. Yesterday was our Zoom Meeting, the in-person is coming up tomorrow:
In-Person Dialogue - Friday, Nov. 17, 2023 @ 8:30am
If you can’t make it to the discussions you will always be able to access the conversation starters, further reading suggestions, and main take-aways and follow along as your schedule allows. The content is not serial, jump in at any time!
This month we are listening to a podcast episode of Be AntiRacist. Click here for the link to the episode, discussion guide, and links for further reading if this one really sparks your interest!
Registration for EverAfter Winter Clubs/ Sports starts Soon!
Get ready to lace up your sneakers because basketball registration is just around the corner! Parents in grades 6-8, check your inbox for registration links! The sign-up links were sent to Middle School parents, from the everafter@ address, last Thursday. Sign-ups are currently active for 6th, 7th and 8th grades!
Mark your calendars because all the action will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:45-5:30. You'll find our dedicated coaches, Jeff and Andy, leading the way in practices and games. Their expertise and guidance promise a season of growth and unforgettable moments on the court.
For those registrants aspiring to make the varsity or junior varsity team, keep November 28th circled on your calendar as the date for tryouts. It's your chance to showcase your skills and earn a spot on either roster.
Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to join us for an incredible basketball season ahead!
Skiing & Snowboarding Club - Hitting the Slopes January 8, 22, 29 and February 5 and 12.
Club chaperone opportunities for parents (comes with a club fee discount!)
Club is open to students grades 3rd and up (2nd and younger can go if their parent attends as a chaperone)
Still TBD partnership with Ski Country Sports for season-long equipment rentals
It’s Back!
Ski and Snowboarding Club & Evergreen Family Season Pass Opportunity
Full details are currently being updated on the EverAfter website, with signups expected to start by 5PM Friday, but the highlights include
Once again, Evergreen is partnering with Cataloochee Ski Area to offer both discounted season passes for Evergreen families, as well as the opportunity for kids to join the EverAfter Ski & Snowboard Club. Full details are currently being updated on the EverAfter website, with sign-ups expected to start by 5PM Friday, but the highlights include:
Night/weekday season passes available to Evergreen students and household family members
Unfortunately, Cataloochee is not offering group rate Limited or Unlimited passes this year
Sign-ups run from today through 9AM on Nov 30.
EverAfter Pick-Up Protocol Review
Remember to sign your child out with staff BEFORE going to the playground or field.
Please remember that if you are running late, even through no fault of your own, your child will be sent to EverAfter at the end of their pick-up window.
Students who are sent to EverAfter because of not being picked up from school on time will be charged a $3 fee if picked up within 30 minutes of the end of their pickup window, or a full daily fee if picked up after 30 minutes.
Everyone runs late from time to time, we have these protocols in place to keep students safe. If you have trouble making it on time each day, consider reaching out to your class community to see if arranging a car pool or trading off pick-up days would take some pressure off.
introducing: The Culture Disciples a book club on a mission to explore a variety of cultural experiences and lenses by reading novels. With hosts Chaka Gordon and Marin Leroy. Next meeting Tuesday, Dec 12th at 4pm East Asheville Library Community Room A. Read: The Vanishing Half. Quote from Toni Morrison: “Books are a form of political action. Books are knowledge. Books are reflection. Books change your mind.”
Introducing: The Culture Disciples, a Book Club on a Mission
This will be an Evergreen community reading group. Meaning both Evergreen staff and parents are more than welcome to join us.
Our first book is The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. We will host the meeting for this book on Tuesday, December 12th at 4:00pm at the East AVL Library’s Community Room.
That's just in time to get the second book for holiday break reading! 'This Earth of Mankind' by Pramoedya Ananta Toer will be book #2. The meeting for this book will be early Feb (before our Feb break). Our third book will be 'Fire Keeper's Daughter' by Angeline Boulley, with meeting date sometime in late March (before spring break). If you've already read some of these books, feel free to enjoy them again and join us when we meet for discussion and book-related snacks.
Please let Chaka and Marin know you are interested in being a part of The Culture Disciples by RSVPing here: The Culture Disciples Book Club
Silver Linings: Celebrating 25 Years with a Wolf Pack Throw Back
Remembering EMBE: This month’s throw back is indeed a ‘Celebration’. Check out Evergreen’s award winning marimba band and look back at this chapter in Evergreen’s history care of Ms. Deidre!
Evergreen’s Multicultural Beat Ensemble, EMBE for short, was created and taught by Evergreen’s then music teacher, Sue Ford. EMBE was student managed by its middle school musicians, but supported by a community of local and regional musicians. Each year new and alumni musicians would perform for our school as well as in community & regional events. EMBE released 3 cds and won several awards, including Grand Prize in the Asheville Holiday Parade. You can still see their performances on their FB page and Youtube channel at Evergreen’s EMBE Marimba Band.
Segment Header: Counseling Corner
SEL Skill - Self Regulation
In the elementary wing we learned about Flipping a Lid and how we can calm our brains down for self-regulation. Some classes also learned about the Zones of Regulation. "Self-regulation" is a concept that may become more relevant as the school year progresses. Are you familiar with it? Self-regulation is all about helping your child manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors effectively. It's like having the ability to steer through life's twists and turns with balance and composure. To nurture this valuable skill, take some time to talk with your child about a recent situation where they might have struggled or felt overwhelmed. Together, brainstorm strategies for how they can tap into their self-regulation, stay focused, and handle life's challenges with confidence and grace.
How Can We Help Kids With Emotional Self-Regulation?
Parents, looking to support your children with self-regulation? Dive into this informative article. It's filled with practical advice and valuable resources that can truly make a difference for your child. There’s also a great video series for the Elementary age group available on their website, the first episode is below!
Holiday Wishes? Needs? Ever Magical Elves Can Help by Sharing Abundance
Tis the Season to be a Giving Spirit. Become one of Evergreen’s Ever Magical Elves and create some magic for Families this Holiday Season
It's time, once again, for the Evergreen tradition of helping families within our community provide a more cheerful holiday! Any family can send us their child(ren)'s wishes, and Evergreen’s Ever Magical Elves will shop for the children of Evergreen!
Need some magic this season? Simply fill out this online Wish List We have lots of givers, so please don't hesitate to let us know your child's wishes! All Giving Spirit wishes are kept anonymous, and the deadline for submissions is Nov. 24.
Click here if you would like to be a Magical Elf and provide a gift for an Evergreen child. We will send a list of wishes out on Nov. 24. Gifts need to be delivered unwrapped to Evergreen no later than Dec. 8.
Also, during this holiday season, please keep in mind that we can provide grocery store gift cards to our families to help with their holiday meals! You can sign up for a grocery store gift card by clicking here.
Pleased to announce: We exceeded our Fall Fund Raising Goal!
Thank you for supporting The Evergreen Fund! Climb On!
Thanks to contributors like you, we were able to exceed our target goal for the Fall Family Night Challenge! Which means we were able to cash in on the full Matching Challenge amount! We are now 64% funded!
This is great news for the school and for all of us who rely on it to educate our children and to sustain a unique and dedicated community of educators committed to making a difference.
About one-third of our donors were ‘small donors’, donating $25 or less, meaning that all of you ‘small donors’ made a BIG IMPACT!
We Thank You truly for each and every dollar!
Look for t-shirt announcements soon. Also- anyone available to vectorize some designs?
Many of you have asked for a template that you can send to co-parents, grandparents, and extended family. Here is a script that you could easily copy/paste into an email. Or please feel free to download the linked graphic above!
I just wanted to let you know that ____________’s school has kicked off their annual fund drive, The Evergreen Fund. The funds will help support the school by funding teacher salaries and facility costs.
After the Fall Family Night Challenge, we have raised 64% of the funds needed to meet the daily costs of providing an exceptional public school education!
We hope you’ll consider making a one time or recurring gift to help us the rest of the way to our goal and to ensure our school continues to thrive!
There are a number of ways to give:
You can make a one time or recurring gift through the website. You can mail your gift to the school’s address, below. Or you can drop it off at the front office.
Evergreen Community Charter School
50 Bell Rd.
Asheville, NC 28805
Of course, the school is a 501c3, so all gifts are tax deductible. EIN# 56-2094405
Thank you so much for considering supporting your loved one’s public charter school! Every donation, no matter the amount, makes a real and lasting impact!