Accessibility: Upcoming Dates: Nov 10 - Veterans Day obs. No School, Nov 21- Grandparents, Friends, & Folx Day, Nov 22-24 - Thanksgiving Break, Nov 27th - No School Teacher Work Day, December 20th - Winter Break begins, January 3rd- First School Day of 2024!

Growth Rings - resources for fostering conversations about anti-racism- Come join the twice monthly conversation, online or in person. Click here to review the conversation starter before attending

Welcome to our new blog Growth Rings.

Growth Rings will be published monthly and will contain the material we will use to spark our conversations for growth in our community.

There will be two opportunities to join the conversations each month: The Parent Dialogue Series. We will try to vary the times for these events understanding that no one time can possibly fit all needs. This month the conversations are scheduled for:

ZOOM Dialogue - Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 @ Noon
In-Person Dialogue - Friday, Nov. 17, 2023 @ 8:30am

If you can’t make it to the discussions you will always be able to access the conversation starters, further reading suggestions, and main take-aways and follow along as your schedule allows. The content is not serial, jump in at any time!

Registration for Everafter Winter Clubs/ Sports start Soon!

Exciting News for Basketball Enthusiasts!

Get ready to lace up your sneakers because basketball registration is just around the corner! Starting today, November 9th, we're opening the doors to an incredible basketball season. Registration will begin for 8th graders this afternoon and gradually move down to the 7th and 6th grade students. Parents in these grade levels will receive an email notifying them that their child's grade level registration has gone live.

Mark your calendars because all the action will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:45-5:30. You'll find our dedicated coaches, Jeff and Andy, leading the way in practices and games. Their expertise and guidance promise a season of growth and unforgettable moments on the court.

For those registrants aspiring to make the varsity or junior varsity team, keep November 28th circled on your calendar as the date for tryouts. It's your chance to showcase your skills and earn a spot on either roster.


Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to join us for an incredible basketball season ahead!

Introducing: The Culture Disciples, a Book Club on a Mission

This will be an Evergreen community reading group. Meaning both Evergreen staff and parents are more than welcome to join us.

Our first book is The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. We will host the meeting for this book on  Tuesday, December 12th at 4:00pm at the East AVL Library’s Community Room.

That's just in time to get the second book for holiday break reading! 'This Earth of Mankind' by Pramoedya Ananta Toer will be book #2. The meeting for this book will be early Feb (before our Feb break).  Our third book will be 'Fire Keeper's Daughter' by Angeline Boulley, with meeting date sometime in late March (before spring break). If you've already read some of these books, feel free to enjoy them again and join us when we meet for discussion and book-related snacks.

Please let Chaka and Marin know you are interested in being a part of The Culture Disciples by RSVPing here: The Culture Disciples Book Club

introducing: The Culture Disciples a book club on a mission to explore a variety of cultural experiences and lenses by reading novels. With hosts Chaka Gordon and Marin Leroy. Next meeting Tuesday, Dec 12th at 4pm East Asheville Library Community Room A. Read: The Vanishing Half. Quote from Toni Morrison: “Books are a form of political action. Books are knowledge. Books are reflection. Books change your mind.”

Grandparents, Friends, and Folx Day - November 21st

Grandparents, Friends, and Folx are invited to come get to know Evergreen on Tuesday, November 21st, the last day before Thanksgiving Break!

Please pass this invite to anyone who did not get one yet!

Grandparents, Friends, and Folx can RSVP using this link!

Students are welcome to leave for break with their special person at the end of the event, parents will just need to let teachers know!

One More Day to Make the Most of Matching!


Just $1176 is needed to meet the match!

Set up a one time or recurring donation here and have your gift matched through November 10th!

Don’t forget to check with your company’s HR department to see if they will also match gifts/compensate for volunteer hours!

We welcome donations of all shapes and sizes!


More to explore:

Like, follow, share!

Many of you have asked for a template that you can send to co-parents, grandparents, and extended family. Here is a script that you could easily copy/paste into an email. Or please feel free to download the linked graphic above!

I just wanted to let you know that ____________’s school has kicked off their annual fund drive, The Evergreen Fund. The funds will help support the school by funding teacher salaries and facility costs.

A group of parents has issued a Matching Challenge and will be matching, dollar-for-dollar, all gifts donated by November 10th, up to $16K! 

There are a number of ways to give:

You can make a one time or recurring gift through the website. You can mail your gift to the school’s address, below. Or you can drop it off at the front office. 

Evergreen Community Charter School 
50 Bell Rd. 
Asheville, NC 28805

Of course, the school is a 501c3, so all gifts are tax deductible. EIN# 56-2094405

Thank you so much for considering supporting your loved one’s public charter school! Every donation, no matter the amount, makes a real and lasting impact!

Holiday Wishes? Needs? Ever Magical Elves Can Help by Sharing Abundance

A small child in a blue dress and dragonfly wings leaps over a pile of gifts, the background is a starfield.

Tis the Season to be a Giving Spirit. Become one of Evergreen’s Ever Magical Elves and create some magic for Families this Holiday Season

It's time, once again, for the Evergreen tradition of helping families within our community provide a more cheerful holiday! Any family can send us their child(ren)'s wishes, and Evergreen’s Ever Magical Elves will shop for the children of Evergreen!

  • Need some magic this season? Simply fill out this online Wish List  We have lots of givers, so please don't hesitate to let us know your child's wishes! All Giving Spirit wishes are kept anonymous, and the deadline for submissions is Nov. 24.

  • Click here if you would like to be a Magical Elf and provide a gift for an Evergreen child. We will send a list of wishes out on Nov. 24. Gifts need to be delivered unwrapped to Evergreen no later than Dec. 8.

Also, during this holiday season, please keep in mind that we can provide grocery store gift cards to our families to help with their holiday meals! You can sign up for a grocery store gift card by clicking here.

Segment Header: Counseling Corner

The Effects of Too Much Screentime

It’s already November and that means the holiday season is quickly approaching. With all of that free time, I thought it would be important to look at our technology usage during the breaks.

You all are the first generation who have to figure out how to limit screen time for your kiddos. While digital devices can provide endless hours of entertainment and they can offer educational content, unlimited screen time can be harmful.

The Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time

Whether you keep the TV on all the time or the whole family sits around staring at their smartphones, too much screen time could be harmful. Here's what some of the research says:

Sleep problems: Although many parents use TV to wind down before bed, screen time before bed can backfire. The light emitted from screens interferes with the sleep cycle in the brain and can lead to insomnia.

Behavior problems: Elementary school-age children who watch TV or use a computer more than two hours per day are more likely to have emotional, social, and attention problems.

Educational problems: Elementary school-age children who have televisions in their bedrooms do worse on academic testing.

Violence: Exposure to violent TV shows, movies, music, and video games can cause children to become desensitized to it. Eventually, they may use violence to solve problems and may imitate what they see on TV, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Obesity: Too much time engaging in sedentary activity, such as watching TV and playing video games, can be a risk factor for becoming overweight.

Establishing Family Rules With Electronics

Telling your child to turn off his video games while you're sitting in front of the TV won't do anyone any good. It's important for you to set healthy limits on your electronics use for your own sake, as well as your child's sake.

Here are a few household rules you might want to establish to curb screen time:

No digital devices during family meals.
No screen time in the car.
No screens allowed in bedrooms.
No electronics used during family fun nights.

In addition, consider an occasional digital detox for the whole family. Create a screen-free night once a week or commit to unplugging one weekend a month. It could be good for everyone's physical and emotional health, as well as your family's relationships.


Website: Common Sense Media
Article: Why it’s never too early to teach your children about social media
Article: Experts say kids are growing up with more anxiety and less self-esteem
20/20 Special: ScreenTime, Diane Sawyer
Scholastic Article: How to set smart screen time rules
Parent Tool Kit: A wealth of developmental skills, articles, clips found on this website

"Thank you to everyone who supported the Evergreen Sunday Funday at Kolo Bike Park in the Adventure Center of Asheville. Whether you helped by spreading the word or by showing up in person we are thankful. We had a very successful turn out. Thank You!"