Accessibility: Upcoming Dates: October 12th- Odyssey of the Mind In Person, Oct 19 - Board Meeting, Oct 21-Community Workday, Oct 25 | Fall Family Night for K|2|4|6 , Oct 26 | Fall Family Night for 1|3|5|7

Volunteers Make Evergreen Shine!

Saturday, Oct 21st is the next community workday. 9 A M to Noon. Click the white/teal graphic above to volunteer.

Events Committee Seeking Members. First meeting Friday, OCTOBER 13th @ 4:15pm at Highland Brewing. Please RSVP if you’re interested in joining! Looking for dreamers, party planners, crafters, fun-makers, for our year’s social and fundraising events. Come choose one event to focus on, or be involved in shaping all!

A note from Kellam, Teacher Appreciation Coordinator: Fearless Parents,School has started and our brave teachers and staff are back to give our kiddos their best. Let's show them how much we care by giving them a special treat once a week (preferably Thursday) in the staff lounge. Click on the pink and brown graphic above to learn more or to sign up for a week!

Fall Family Nights October 25-26. Grades K, 2, 4, and 6 will attend on October 25th, and Grades 1, 3, 5, and 7. Event will begin at 5 o’clock and run through 7 Thirty.


5:00pm- 5:45pm - Food Sales (optional)

5:45pm-6:30pm - Presentations

6:30pm-7:30pm - Classroom Time

Fall Family Nights

Join us for our Fall Celebration of Learning as students showcase their best works and families can see and appreciate more of what is happening in the classroom!

In the coming weeks students will be going through their work, evaluating which pieces they want to display, and showing off a portfolio of their best works for this school year.

Eighth Grade will have their own stand alone event on 11/16.

We will also be unveiling our new line of t-shirts and sweatshirts celebrating 25 years of adventures in education! Make sure you bring some cash for those, and either you or we will save on Processing Fees!

Kid sizes will run $20 for t-shirts, $38 for sweatshirts.
Adult sizes will run $25 for t-shirts, $40 for sweatshirts.

School Fees - Auto-Pay Option Now Available

Sign Up for Auto-Pay. Less work for you, less letters from me. Kindly, Beth

If you would like to sign up for auto pay for school fees including EverAfter charges, please complete THIS form.

You will be notified monthly before we charge your card.

If you have any questions about EverAfter fees charged to your MPP account please contact James Wilson. If you have questions about autopay or any other fees please contact Jean Reese.

Fees are due and payable one week after being added to MPP if you are NOT signed up for autopay.

Challenging Curious Minds

Are you ready to sail the high seas of creativity? Create, problem-solve, build, write, direct, act, & produce high quality nonsense while making friends, having fun. and learning new skills? Of course you do! Come see if Odyssey of the Mind is right for you!

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Curious about Evergreen Acedemically/Intellectuall Gifted program AKA A. I. G. Program? Click on the Purple and Gold Graphic (Right on Desktop) for a program overview and qualifying criteria.

Odyssey of the Mind kicking off soon!

Evergreen parents of 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade kids! We are excited to continue our successful participation in Odyssey of the Mind - a wonderful problem-solving competition. If you'd like to learn more about OM, visit the Odyssey of the Mind website, or watch this super cute video! You can also check out these interviews from students who were world finalists! 2022 WLOS Interview  2023 Mountain Xpress 2023 WLOS Interview

Final Odyssey of the Mind informational meeting this afternoon!

  • Thursday, October 12th - in Kendall's classroom in the modular from 3:30 to 4:30 in person.

Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 5:00.

We're also looking for parent volunteers and parent coaches. If your child is interested in OM, consider being a coach.

If you are interested in Odyssey of the Mind, please fill out this quick Registration Form!  Email  Kendall  if you have questions!


Perspective-taking is the ability to relate to other people and see things from their point of view. It is such an important social skill to teach children because perspective-taking skills are part of most communication and interactions between people. Perspective-taking is needed in order to have empathy for someone else. Perspective-taking is usually thought of as a cognitive component of empathy, in other words it is thinking about why we feel empathetic to the other person’s point of view. In order to achieve perspective-taking, the child has to understand what thoughts are, and that there are at least two different perspectives (their own and someone else’s) involved. When a child uses perspective-taking skills, they’ll be able to understand what someone else is feeling and thinking, so they can communicate with them in a more productive manner. They can also understand someone else’s needs more easily.

I am a fan of bibliotherapy, and of course you can use books as a tool to help teach perspective-taking skills to kids! Depending on the developmental level and age of your kids, it might be helpful to start with discussing what a thought is. To tackle that subject, start with the book “What is a Thought” by Jack Pransky and Amy Kahofer.

A list of suggested books on perspective-taking include: Duck!Rabbit!, Stand In My Shoes, The Weird Series, Hey Little Ant, Not Quite Snow White, Ways To Grow Love, Don’t Touch My Hair, Abdul’s Story, What Do You See? A Conversation in Pictures, The Invisible Boy, Should I Share My Ice Cream, Leonardo The Terrible Monster, The Red Bicycle: The Extraordinary Story of One Ordinary Bicycle, The Catawampus Cat, The Cot in the Living Room, The Last House on Market Street, Tale of Two Beasts.

In Community~

-Katy Truxell, K-4 School Counselor

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Breakfast! Available each morning in the foyer! No need to pre-order, $2.75 will be charged to your MPP account, unless you qualify for free/reduced lunch, then there is no charge! Click on the pink graphic for the weekly menu.

Grandparents, Friends & Folx Day is in November

Grandparents, Friends, & Folx Day is a day for your student to bring loved ones to school for a bit of reverse show and tell. Below is a form where you can identify the folks who mean the most (or who are most likely to be available) to join us for a fun day at Evergreen. The November Date is still TBD but will most likely fall near Thanksgiving. Mobile users: You may find it easier to complete the form here.

AVL Today is looking for Educators who have made a difference in your life. Do you know anyone?

Lights Out Asheville! The Coalition for a Bird-Friendly Asheville encourages all business owners, residents, and building managers to extinguish non-essential outdoor lighting between Midnight and 6AM during the Spring and Fall. Lighting that cannot be safely extinguished should be addressed and modified to meet bird-friendly, International Dark Sky Association standards. Sign our pledge to show your commitment to reducing light pollution, saving energy, and helping birds! Click Here to learn more, sign the pledge, and join the effort to make Asheville a safer place for our feathered friends!