Accessibility: Upcoming Dates: Oct 19 - Board Meeting, Oct 21-Community Workday, Oct 25 | Fall Family Night for K|2|4|6 , Oct 26 | Fall Family Night for 1|3|5|7

Fall Family Nights October 25-26. Grades K, 2, 4, and 6 will attend on October 25th, and Grades 1, 3, 5, and 7. Event will begin at 5 o’clock and run through 7 Thirty.

Fall Family Nights

Participating in Celebrations of Learning is part of the Evergreen curriculum. Having students evaluate and present their best work to the larger community gives our lessons and our expeditions more impact.

EVERAFTER closes early on these days. Please make arrangements to have your child signed out by 5:00pm.

The evenings start at 5:00pm. There will be tacos and drinks available for purchase in the gym. At 5:45pm there will be a musical presentation from Second Grade on Wednesday, and First Grade on Thursday. This will be followed by a short program and the unveiling of our new line of Evergreen Shirts.

At 6:30pm families will move into the classroom. Families are encouraged to explore older grades, or reminisce in past grade levels. Drop in to say hi to your favorite teachers, and make sure you check out the butterfly art installation in the Elementary Entryway.

Most, if not all, of our ‘vendors’ are cash only!

There are a number of fundraisers happening throughout the school. Let’s skip the transaction fees, and teach the student volunteers how to make change, by intentionally choosing cash. More details below!

Neon Letters Glow: TACOS. No time between work and event? Odyssey of the Mind is selling tacos in the gym! Three dollars.

NEON Letters Glow: SHUTTLE SERVICE from the lower lot to the gym. This service is free.

Neon Letters Glow: COFFEE. 6th Grade has got the beans for your mornings’ hot bean juice! Fifteen dollars per pound. Sponsored by Dynamite Coffee

Neon Letters Glow: Honey. Between Seven to Twenty Dollars. The only thing sweeter than supporting our EE program is the honey we are selling to support our EE program!

Neon Letters Glow: Tee- SHIRTS. New Evergreen Shirts celebrate our 25th Anniversary. $20 for kids sizes $25 for adults. $38-$40 for Sweatshirts

Neon Letters Glow: DRINKS. One to Two dollars.

Parking Notes

These events are quite large even with just half the school attending each night. Please reserve spaces nearest the school for families with mobility issues/infants and toddlers. Please plan to park in the lower lot and the looping lot. We will run a shuttle between the lower lot and the gym. But the main take-away: It will take some time to get to the gym from your parking spot, so please plan accordingly, be mindful of our neighbors, and park only in designated areas.

The Coming of Fall, by 4th Grade Crew

Perfect…not too hot, not too cold
Getting out my winter clothes.
Tired of the hot stickiness, ready for a cozy fire
Mosquitos fly away
Fishing fun
Fruits go from peaches to cranberries, buttercrisp apples
It's not just weather, trees are changing too. Color!
Leaves change to red
From the trees that are tall, leaves fall
Red, orange, yellow
Autumn orange leaves fall from the sky and glow on the ground
Leaf dot to dot
Bright crisp light shimmers through the trees
The look of those leaves and the weird smells
I like leaves falling, I like jumping into a leaf pile.
Although the leaves are falling on my head, I think, “it's amazing!”.
Everything calms down to prepare for Winter
I notice the changes in this time.
Fall is a time that I can express myself.
As the Season of Scares begins, the streets are filled
with Jack O'Lantern grins…Halloween!
The leaves crunch
Cold wind blows
I feel so calm.

Happy Fall ya’ll!


Volunteers Make Evergreen Shine!

Saturday, Oct 21st is the next community workday. 9 A M to Noon. Click the white/teal graphic above to volunteer.

A note from Kellam, Teacher Appreciation Coordinator: Fearless Parents,School has started and our brave teachers and staff are back to give our kiddos their best. Let's show them how much we care by giving them a special treat once a week (preferably Thursday) in the staff lounge. Click on the pink and brown graphic above to learn more or to sign up for a week!

Jack o' Lanterns glow in the darkness. The words Halloween Parade: October 31st 2pm are emblazoned on the foreground.

Halloween Parade : October 31st, 2pm

Cheer students on during our annual Halloween Parade! Students will take a lap around the field, weather permitting, and some classes will have other holiday activities during the day. Check Class newsletters/ class coordinators’ emails for details.

Our school guidelines for costumes can be summed up with this handy rhyme: No Blood, No Gore, No Weapons of War. No culturally insensitive garb you might have to apologize for.
(And please follow dress code guidelines.)

*Parents, please review video content before sharing with children.

Honoring LGBTQ+ History Month

Did you know that October was LGBTQ+ History Month? A month-long celebration that was first recognized in the United States in 1994, when Rodney Wilson, an openly gay high school teacher from Missouri, passionately advocated for the idea of dedicating a month to honor gay and lesbian history. With the already established National Coming Out Day on October 11th, and the anniversary of the first March on Washington for gay and lesbian rights in 1979, October was chosen not only for its historical significance, but also because it’s a month when students are in school. 

The Evergreen community is always working towards a school culture and community that is inclusive, equitable, and supportive of students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, economic status, physical and mental abilities, religious values, or political affiliations. Evergreen is excited to celebrate LGBTQ+ history throughout the month of October and to illuminate the voices of the students who this group represents through our Rainbow Alliance Club.

LGBTQ+ History Resources:

LGBTQ+ History Timeline

Hang, Pedal, Repeat!

Sunday Funday! Sunday November 5th Noon thru 4 o’clock. at Kolo Bike PArk in the Adventure Center of Asheville. Picture Shows a young girl seated on a bike in a yellow bike jersey and a red helmet. It is fall and she is looking at the camera with a half smile.

You are encouraged to RVSP via FaceBook or Evite

Please use those links to share this event with your friends, neighbors, and extended family. 
The 4th-grade families thank you!

Please join us for a special $10 Evergreen Sunday Funday at Kolo Bike Park in the Adventure Center of Asheville! 

Bring your whole family and a picnic for some hang time with friends between runs on the track.  Non-bikers are invited to come cheer on the participants and enjoy each other's company.  Kolo has bike rentals for those who don't own a bike but who may want to enjoy the fun.

Invite anyone you know who may enjoy this event! Not limited to Evergreen families only.

All bike park entrance fees will be donated to the EVERGREEN 4th-grade class to help lower the price of their End-of-Year trip to Mountain Trail Outdoor School

More information on Kolo Bike Park can be found here:

We will have a limited number of bike rentals available at no cost for those Evergreen families who might not be able to attend otherwise. Contact Kathy at  for more information.

Grandparents, Friends & Folx Day is in November

Grandparents, Friends, & Folx Day is a day for your student to bring loved ones to school for a bit of reverse show and tell. Below is a form where you can identify the folks who mean the most (or who are most likely to be available) to join us for a fun day at Evergreen. The November Date is still TBD but will most likely fall near Thanksgiving. Mobile users: You may find it easier to complete the form here.