TONIGHT: Evergreen Annual Meeting

Our Annual Meeting will take place in-person in the gymnasium on May 16th at 5:30 pm. This meeting is a great opportunity for all members of our community to come together to celebrate accomplishments, award special recognitions, and give updates on progress toward our strategic goals. We will also be voting for the new Board Members for the 2024-25 school year!

We encourage all parents to attend this meeting, as important stakeholders in our school.
This meeting will be followed by our regularly scheduled board meeting.

  • Once cones are up for morning and afternoon traffic EVERYONE must use crosswalks and not cross at top of the hill or from picnic island to lower MS. Including staff.

  • Children MUST exit from the right side of the car. If something is wrong and they can not use the passenger side doors, then instruct them to use the central sidewalk to get to one of the 2 crosswalks. Please do not send children between cars.

“Welcome Summer!” Dance Party at the grey Eagle

Join us for an all ages celebration of summer! A party in 3 parts:

3pm -The afternoon will be filled with kid friendly tunes and fun!

6pm - Learn some salsa moves or grab some salsa and good food at the in-house taqueria until 7pm.

7pm- Show off your new moves or bust out the old ones on the dance floor, chill on the patio with your Evergreen pals, or beat their bid for that Silent Auction item you've had your eye on.

Buy tickets by clicking the graphic below, invite your friends, get updates, see artist spotlights, silent auction sneak peeks, and more by joining our Facebook event!


Silent Auction Raffle Item Request

Would you like to donate to the school by offering a handmade item, specialized service, or an experience to our raffle?

Head over to our Silent Auction Page
and fill out the Donation Form!

Past donations from community members have looked like:

  • A foraging trek with an experienced naturalist, a cooking class, a pottery workshop, guided adventures

  • Blown glass, hand woven scarves, jewelry

  • Professional Services like: massage, life/ parenting coaching, gym membership, interior design

Please let us know if you’d like to participate by Monday, May 27th

23K In the Month of May

Evergreen Community Charter School receives 25% less funding from state and federal agencies than a traditional public school.

That’s where the *community* part of our name comes in. We rely on the support & generosity of our community.

We need to raise 23K in the Month of May. Please click the Donate Button to check out our new, secure donation software and see how easy it is to Give to Evergreen with GiveButter.

  • $5 would offset the cost of a lunch

  • $25 would offset the cost of a box of paper

  • $50 would offset the cost of filling up the bus’ tank

  • $100 would offset a professional development course

Consider setting a sustainable recurring donation.

Be sure to order a yearbook for the 2023-2024 school year. Ordering happens on the My Payments Plus page, in the Events & Activities section for each student.

End of Year Accounting: Time to Settle Up!

Reminder - All Fees are Due by June 12th, 2024

Please login to MyPayments Plus and pay your fees by the last day of school.
(Don’t forget to order the yearbook if you’re needing one!)

If you have questions or need assistance please contact our Business Manager Extrordinaire, Beth Rankin.

Click Here for the Official School Calendar

Click to go to Evergreen’s Google Calendar.
Add it to your device!

Click to go to Evergreen’s Google Calendar.
Add it to your device!

Celebrating our Girls on the Run Program!

Girls on The Run completed the 8 week program with a 5k on May 5th.

In addition to completing the run, the team also participated in a community impact project and created bracelets of love for pediatric patients. The bracelets were donated to Mission Children's Hospital. A bracelet will be left on the pillow of new patients to express love and compassion from our community.

End of Year Testing and Test Anxiety

This week we are going to talk about TESTS! As many of us know, testing can cause us all different types of stress and anxiety. And this is even more true for students. When students experience test anxiety they are actually experiencing a type of performance anxiety. Performance anxiety is when we feel the pressure to do well in a certain situation where performance counts towards something. When we’re feeling this way we may experience some physical symptoms like butterflies in our stomach, increased heart rate, or feeling sweaty and shaky. This anxiety is a result of anticipating something stressful and it can affect our mind and body. When we experience stress our body releases the hormone adrenaline, which prepares us for our fight or flight response. A little bit of stress can help us focus and actually perform better. But too much stress can lead to overwhelm and get in the way of what we need to do.

So how can we help our students combat test anxiety? Here are some helpful things that students can add to their routine to avoid feeling those nervous feelings before a big test:

  • Practice good study habits

  • Create a pretest routine

  • Practice relaxation techniques

  • Be sure to hydrate and nourish your body with food

  • Get enough sleep

  • Speak with a teacher if you feel nervous

  • Accept mistakes and be gentle with yourself

When we think that we can’t do something or are not going to do well, it often causes our anxiety to increase. We want our students to feel capable and confident when it comes to test taking and other challenging situations they will face. It is important to encourage our students to have a healthy mindset when it comes to performance anxiety. Changing the way we think about tests and academic performance can influence the way we perform. By helping students look at the bigger picture and helping them change their perspective surrounding tests, we can lessen the stress surrounding these events. By focusing on progress versus perfection, students are better able to bounce back from stressful tests and fear of failure. Here are some test-taking strategies that may be helpful for your student when it’s time to perform:

  • Set aside enough time to study independently or with a group of classmates. Over-studying can lead to burnout and causes you to forget the information

  • Go to bed early the night before the test - getting good sleep will help you be productive on test day

  • Read through the whole exam before answering any questions

  • You do not have to start on the first question

  • Use the process of elimination for multiple-choice questions where you are unsure of the answer

  • Try to focus on the test for the majority of the time - try not to let your mind wander

  • Show all of your work for problem-solving questions 

  • Don’t be afraid to raise your hand if you have a question or if something is unclear

-and most importantly, remember– a test is just one measure of learning! There are so many other ways that students can demonstrate and celebrate their skills. Encourage them to focus not on the test grade, but on putting in their best effort.

Summer Reading!

The Cultural Disciples Book Club will pick back up in August. You can join in by reading these books over the summer.

If you’re not moving up you are slipping down.
— Geraldine Brooks, Horse
Alone, we are a solitary violin, a lonely flute, a trumpet singing in the dark. Together, we are a symphony.
— Brendan Slocumb, The Violin Conspiracy

25 Anniversary Edition Shirts On Sale Now

Celebrate 25 Years with T-Shirt savings! Five Dollars off our popular 25th Anniversary styles.

Click the pic to see current inventory and claim your size!

Tees can be picked up in the Development Office, or contact Lynni for alternate delivery options!

Congrats to all Talent Show Participants!

That was Phenomenal!

Purchase a book for the library, or use it as a book recommendation list for your next library trip!

Did you know that 10% of each Artsonia purchase is donated to the school.

Download the app and start scanning your receipts at checkout!