September 7th, 2023

September 7th, 2023

Dear Evergreeners,

I never imagined Evergreen would feel so much like a home. This time of year has so many familiar rhythms in planning for the start of school and the energy of staff returning to campus and readying for students and families. The anticipation and excitement of orientation and the first days of school reminds me of how excited my own children were to begin Kindergarten at Evergreen with Ms. Heather so many years ago - hard to believe my kiddos are already practically adults! 

When I joined the Evergreen community in 2006, I didn’t expect I would stay for long, and certainly didn’t think that I would love this community so deeply as I do today. I remember immediately being struck by how well everyone knew each other and by how much care and love went into each person - staff and students alike. I am continually in awe of this community and the ways that people reach out and support each other. For many of us, it has been a seriously tumultuous few months. The depths of grief in the losses in our community alongside the uncertainty of transitions has left many struggling. And, what I see every day in this struggle is extra compassion, people checking on each other, connecting authentically, smiling, crying, hugging, laughing together. This love, this support, is why I’ve stayed and what I want to be sure continues as part of the fabric of the community. We all thrive when we feel supported, feel valued, and feel belonging. Even when things aren’t as hard, please keep doing these same things for each other - they matter.  


I feel privileged to have been part of this community for so many years and in a variety of capacities - parent, academic support teacher, and 5-8 Associate Director before my current position - and having these experiences helps ground me in my new role. I’m grateful for your trust in me as we navigate this transitional period, one with grief and heartache intermingling with happiness, laughter, and compassion, as a strong and connected community. 

Thank you to each one of you for making Evergreen as special as it is, and thank you for working with us to improve our community and working to ensure that all of our kids are thriving and learning how to improve the world through their actions and words.

For all of you, but especially those of you who are new, my door is open. I would love to hear about your kids, learn about your family, your work, what you’re passionate about, and how Evergreen feels for you. Can we have coffee? Chat in the parking lot? Take a walk on the trail? It is my hope that you all find the same sense of home as I have at Evergreen. Let’s keep supporting each other and finding joy in our days, perhaps even in the traffic line! Who knows when a rainbow unicorn will be directing traffic. ;)

PS - a few housekeeping things:

  • Back to school illnesses, including Covid, are popping up all over school and in the wider community. Here are the guidelines we recommend for when to keep your child home from school. 

  • We will be using texting more often this year for communications - please make sure you have opted in to receiving texts by texting YES to 87569. We’ll send out a test text early next week. 

  • Join us on Sept 11th at 6:15pm for a special screening of The Big Payback - a movie about the reparations journey followed by a conversation co-led by the Racial Justice Coalition and Building Bridges

  • Tired of sitting in traffic? Consider carpooling. Fill out the interest form to get more info.

August 31st,  2023

August 31st, 2023

Enjoy and Honor the Labor Day Weekend!

In the spirit of life-long learning: Below are two links to learn more about why we celebrate Labor Day. The link on the left is more appropriate for the K-4 crowd, while the link on the right is more appropriate for a middle school or adult audience, has a more inclusive narrative, and includes some great continued learning resources. Please note: In the video on the right there are two relatively tame ‘curse words', that, in all honestly, will probably NOT shock a middle school audience. But you may want to preview the links before sharing.

We also want to acknowledge that many in our community do not have the privilege of a long weekend.

Sept 10th - Back to School Social

The Sunday after the Labor Day holiday weekend is our annual Back to School Social! There will be games and activities on the field. In the interest of simplicity we are asking attendees to bring fruit or something crunchy and salty to share!

Exciting news: This year handcrafted Buggy Pops will be there! Buggy Pops are $4/pop and that includes tax. Cash or card accepted. Dairy free and gluten free options will be available

We are looking for volunteers to help facilitate activities!

Sign up Here!

Mon. Sept 18th - U-Pick Picnic @ Little Farm, Swannanoa Field 6pm-8pm

Come fill your house with flowers to celebrate the transition of the seasons and support the school!

You’re invited to pack a picnic and join us for a U-pick Picnic event care of Mary and Kiera, Evergreen parents, and owners of the beautiful Little Farm, Black Mountain!

RSVP for directions to their Swannanoa Field location and enjoy an evening among the blossoms and among friends!

Participants will bring a donation for their bouquets and a portion of the proceeds from the evening will benefit the Evergreen Fund. Cash, Venmo, and Square payments accepted, but let’s try to have cash on hand to reduce the fees to the middle man!

Bring: Picnic seating and a fully stocked pic-a-nic basket, sun protection and plenty of water, jars or vases, pruning shears, snips (there will be some containers and tools, plus non-potable water available)

Leave: Pets at home, please

Many thanks to Mary and Kiera for this beautiful and fun kick off to our fundraising endeavors!

Do you have a venue or a fun idea for a fundraiser? We’d love to hear from you! Pitch your ideas here!

Meet the Counselors: 5th-8th Grade Counselor

Hello everyone, my name is Hunter Holland (she/her) and I am the new 5-8 Counselor! I just recently graduated from Western Carolina University with my Masters in Counseling as a licensed Professional School Counselor and waiting on my Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate license to go through. Before accepting this position at Evergreen, I had experience as a wilderness therapy instructor, teacher assistant, substitute teacher, life skills instructor, and behavioral support specialist. I feel like I have won the occupational lottery by becoming a part of this Evergreen community!


Just a little more about me:
I was born and raised in rural West Virginia and moved to the Brevard area in 2017. I met my husband, James, working in the wilderness and we found our dog, Huckleberry, wandering the gravel roads in Dupont. We spend most of our time out in the woods backpacking, climbing, car camping, or hiking. Don’t get me wrong, I also love the modern conveniences of a hot shower, clean bed, and conditioned air!

Please reach out to me by email, or by phone P: 828.298.2173, Ext. 1204, if you have any questions or concerns. My office hours are 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday. You can also check out my Parent Hub if you are curious about our counseling program

Meet the Counselors: Interim K-4 Counselor

Hello! My name is Katy Truxall and I am the interim K-4 School Counselor until Annie gets back in December. I am currently in my internship semester in the counseling program at Western Carolina University and will be graduating with a Master’s degree in December. I am filled with excitement to get to know your kiddos and serve this wonderful community at Evergreen Community Charter School. 

I grew up in Miami, Florida and moved to the mountains of WNC 14 years ago. Before going back to school in 2016, I was a massage therapist for over a decade.

An ideal day for me looks like lying in my hammock next to a rushing river while working on a crochet project. I also love spending time with my adorable pets and going on fun adventures with my fiance. I’ve been a gamer since my Grandad gave me his Commodore 64 when I was a kid. These days I don’t have as much time for gaming, but when I do I am playing games like Diablo, The Forest, League of Legends, and Final Fantasy 7 The Remake.  

Please reach out to me to connect with any concerns or questions you may have regarding counseling services. You may have the most success reaching me by email or call 828.298.2173, Ext. 1312. My office hours are Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm. Check out the k-4 Counseling Parent Hub for more information about services and resources.  Looking forward to an amazing school year!

Silver Linings : Celebrating 25 Years with a Wolf Pack Throwback!

Time for another Wolfpack Throwback. Check out this 10th Anniversary Video! Teachers and Admin discuss the beginnings of the school and how we got to our current campus. Bonus: Baby Ms. Deidre and Baby Ms. Marni!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead




New Family Social is tonight!

We hope all of our new families can join us for our New Family Social and Pop-Up Museum this evening from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

Parking: Please leave the 3 spaces in front of the gym open for parents who are picking up from EverAfter. Give yourself enough time to walk up from the lower lot if needed.
Drop Off: Please take school aged children to the gym, take time to connect with the staff in charge. Adults and littles too young to be left in the gym will report to the Elementary Foyer (the double doors that students use during morning drop-off).
Bring: Yourselves and your burning questions! Staff and Family Ambassadors will be available to talk with you about the Evergreen experience.


Tips to keep the Upper Lot from backing up!


Morning traffic:

  • Have your child ready to get out of the PASSENGER SIDE of the car as soon as you stop. Say your goodbyes and gather bags before stopping. 

  • Pull all the way forward before stopping and follow traffic team instructions

Afternoon traffic:

  • Place your placard in a place where the traffic team can see the number in the bottom right corner. 

  • Leave your placard on your dash until your kid is in the car, then remove your placard as a signal to the traffic team that you're full and ready to move. 

  • When possible, turn your car off when you're waiting. 

  • Please be patient! We are learning a new system and figuring everything out.

  • Carpool if possible. The fewer cars we have going through the line, the faster it will go!

Welcome back Evergreen Families!

We would like to start by acknowledging and holding space for those who experienced grief and loss over the summer. Katy and Hunter are here to support your students and families through these difficult times. We also hope you had a summer that had moments of fun, rest, and meaningful connection. Speaking of connection, Katy and Hunter are new this year and are looking forward to welcoming and connecting with new and returning students and families alike. Introductions will follow in upcoming Scoop Counseling Corners! 

As your school counselors, we will be working closely with your student(s)’ grade level team(s) to promote social-emotional learning and provide support to students throughout the year. Learn more about our roles, community resources, and School Counseling FAQs by checking out the K-4 Counseling & Behavior Support Parent Hub and the 5-8 Counseling Parent Hub. Stay tuned into the Scoop Counseling Corner, where we will share weekly parenting tips, resources, and more to support your student(s) this year. Check out this back to school resource!

Come be a part of our Community Work Day events!  These Saturday work days are a great way to make new friends and connect with old ones. We will work together on meaningful projects that make it possible for our community to play and learn in a beautiful, clean, functional environment.  If that isn't enough to motivate you, then come for the bagels and bananas!  Parents, feel free to bring your kids!  There are lots of projects that kids can also help with.

As each date approaches we will announce the focus projects, ask for RSVP's and invite you to join us with any specialized skills and tools you might have to contribute. No experience necessary! Your pure enthusiasm is enough!

Questions? Ideas or suggestions? Contact Evergreen Facilities Manager, Patrick Besler 


If you haven't received a letter of eligibility from Sarah Shah and would like to apply for Free or Reduced Price Lunch, fill out the: Free and Reduced Price Lunch Application

Deadlines for ordering:

For the month of September (starting Sept 6th): Place lunch orders by Sunday Aug 27th
Go to your MyPaymentsPlus account to place your order!

Learn more about the Equal Plates Project

Family Friendly Event this Friday

This Friday one of our long time partners RIVERLINK is celebrating a milestone of environmental reclamation.

It would be great to show up and let them know we see and appreciate them!  This is such an awesome connection area of the greenway, too! 

From the organizers:

“Since its purchase in 2006, RiverLink has been removing concrete, remediating pollution, and planning a new community park.


Join us this Friday August 25th from 4-6 pm, as we celebrate the opening of Karen Cragnolin Park at 190 Amboy Road.

You can expect to see musicians, chalk artists, and lots of fun unfolding on this new section of greenway, as we dedicate the park to RiverLink founder and environmental leader Karen Cragnolin.”

August 17th,  2023

August 17th, 2023

It was so nice to see all of you who were able to attend Orientation yesterday! We hope you enjoyed splitting off into Parent Crews to have more in-depth conversations about coming together as a community, setting intentions, and reviewing our school and class norms. Now and always, Parent Orientation materials can be found under the Evergreen Families Tab on the Navigation Menu. Review these and any materials sent by your classroom teachers.

We’re Listening: We’d love to hear your feedback on Orientation Day!

New Family Social - Next Thursday!

Each year we welcome our new families with an invitation to hang out on campus, mingle, and get to know a little more about being part of the Evergreen community! Family Ambassadors will be there from each class to field questions and get to know our new families!

Join us Thursday, August 24th from 5:30pm-6:30pm, we’ll meet you on the field with light refreshments.

Childcare will be provided for school aged children by our EverAfter Team (babes in arms and toddlers are welcome). Please RSVP here so we know how many children (and adults) to expect.

Hot Lunch Service Starts Next Monday!

If you haven't received a letter of eligibility from Sarah Shah and would like to apply for Free or Reduced Price Lunch, fill out application

Free and Reduced Price Lunch Application

Deadlines for ordering:
Please place lunch orders by Sunday Aug 20th for (Aug 21-Aug 31 and Sept 1)

For the month of September (starting Sept 6th): Place lunch orders by Sunday Aug 27th

My Payments Plus Primer

Has setting up/using your My Payments Plus account left you scratching your head? Use these handy infographics to help navigate the site!

Adventure Program Volunteer Opportunities

We’re looking for volunteers to support the Adventure Program. Throughout the school year there are a variety of opportunities to get involved ranging from driving with Ski and Snowboard Club to being a Mountain Bike Coach.

All year we are looking for parent volunteers on Monday mornings, 9am - Noon to help with our climbing wall and ropes course. These volunteers help belay and guide our students through these high impact activities to support our students’ growth. Volunteer for one or multiple Mondays!

We're also looking for assistance with our Cans for Climbing program. When our trailer is full, we need help driving it to our local metal buyers. This volunteer option could be a one time help or a regular engagement.

If interested in either of these options, please let our Adventure Coordinator know at ethan.rhodus[at]evergreenccs[dot]org

The title "Cans for Climbing" arches over and orange background, below is a pile of crushed aluminum cans. Evergreen's logo celebrating 25 years is center.

Do you use aluminum cans in life? Do you want to help support our Adventure Program? If the answer is yes to both then we’re looking for you. Our Cans for Climbing program is a major fundraiser for Evergreen’s Adventure Program that is easy to participate in. All you need to do is drop off any aluminum cans you have in the Cans for Climbing Trailer located by our buses.

Any questions can be sent to our Adventure Coordinator at ethan.rhodus[at]evergreenccs[dot]org

First Day!

Enjoy some orientation & first day giggles and grins below!

More coming through Facebook and Insta! Like and Follow for all the photos!

Back to School Block Party

Hey Evergreen! I know it’s short notice, but there’s a Back to School Block Party happening TODAY at Pack Square Park! Did you know that Hip Hop was created 50 years ago at a Back to School Block Party? Here’s a primer and a playlist to celebrate 50 years of the artform from the podcast 1A!

It’s happening this afternoon- right after pick up until 7pm! So come celebrate a great start to the school year! Evergreen is exploring how we can partner with United Way to see how we can help them serve their mission: to co-create opportunities for every person in our community to live free from poverty and injustice. In support of this potential partnership, let’s see how many families we can get to show up and BE our community!

Want to see events like this before the day-of? Join us on Facebook where we share events, workshops, and opportunities to engage with WNC changemakers!


You can add each event or the whole calendar to your device through Google Calendar!