January 25th, 2024

Civics in Action: Middle Schoolers to host City candidate Forum in february

Three seats are up for election. The candidates running include:

Evergreen Middle School students will lead the forum with council candidates on the stage in front of a live audience. The event will be livestreamed and the recording posted on Evergreen’s YouTube channel. 

Students will research local issues, get input from residents, and create questions that reflect what’s important to the community. There will also be an opportunity for the audience to submit questions to the candidates. 

Recognizing that it may be hard for residents with young children to come to events like these, we will be offering free childcare. Look for registration sign-ups in future editions of The Scoop.

Important Election Info:

Fifth Grade is Collecting Food Donations during the month of February

Click the image above to read an article from Manna about the skyrocketing need for food donations in WNC.

Beginning February 1st, Fifth Grade will be collecting donations for Manna Food Bank’s Annual Student Food Drive. Collection bins will be placed in the office, main entrance foyer, middle school hallway, and the 5/6 hallway. All unexpired, non-perishable food collected will be donated to the non-profit at the end of Feb. 

Requesting :

  • Canned food (veggies, pasta sauce, etc.),

  • Dry foods (cereal, rice, pasta, meal kits, etc.),

  • Snacks (bars, fruit, apple sauce, etc.)

Click here to be connected to resources.

Please give what you can, or use the available resources if you need help!

You can use the Food Finder link, right, or remember that Evergreen has a food pantry with resources available anytime you may need assistance, just ask at the front desk, or email Sarah Shah.

Examining Our Own Biases And How They Impact Our Communities

Click the title above for a link to the Growth Rings Blog.

Next Parent Dialogue Session:
January 29th at noon (zoom),
January 30th at 2:00 (in person)

Upcoming Parent Dialogue Dates:

February - 21st at noon (zoom), 22nd at 8:30 (in person)

March - 21st at 1:30 (in person), 25th at noon (zoom)

Community Fundraising

Love is something, if you give it away, you end up having more.

Right now, through March 1st we will be sharing 50% of all Evergreen Fund donations with Building Bridges of Asheville.

When we all bring something to the table, it seems to stretch so much further...

We value Building Bridges and the work they are doing in the Asheville community. For years our teachers, admin, and community members have been attending and valuing these trainings, this vision, this mission.

No matter where you are in your work, you’ll benefit from their 9 week session coming up March 11th.

Learn more or Register Now at: bbavl.org
Donate here:

Please give what you can and we will put one scoop in each bowl.

Watch your email for more details from Susan Haldane about the community fundraising ethos and this new direction!

T-Shirts and Sweatshirts Available

Adult and Youth Sizes still available! Email us using the form to the right, we are happy to let you know what sizes and styles we have available!

Tourney of the Hoops

The picture shows children on a playing field. One child in the foreground is running toward a traffic cone with Hula Hoops balanced around it. Text: A fun school wide fundraising tournament Tourney of the Hoops 3.18.2024 EVERGREEN

Q.: How do I get involved?

A.: Be a cheerleader on or off the pitch! If you can make it that day: wonderful! You can sign up to be part of the cheer squad or a referee, or just be a smiling supportive face in the crowd! Off the field you can share your pledge page widely and often. You can ask your business if they’d like to sponsor the event. You can make signs or decorations for fans to wave!

Here is a link to the volunteer sign up page!


Q: What is this?

A: It’s a Fundraiser. Many schools have your students hawk wrapping paper or popcorn or candy bars. Some pay an outside company to throw a fun-run, but the amount of waste generated at such events no longer sits well with our environmentally focused school. So a couple years ago, some of our students rewrote the rules, and this year, in honor of our 25th, we’re incorporating a beloved Evergreen tradition into the mix.

Q: Ok, but, how does this raise money?

A: Each student will receive a personal webpage for the fundraiser. Families can share the page’s url with extended family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, bowling team, those forever in your debt… and these folks can sponsor your child like they would for a fun run. Instead of pledging per mile, they can pledge per minute for 30 guaranteed minutes, or 60 minutes if they win their first match; or they can pledge a flat amount (this is most common).

Q: When does all this happen?

A.: March 11th-15th is Spirit Week / Pledge Week. Each day of pledge week grade levels will have a chance to win incentives based on percentage of grade level participation (vs dollar amount).

The Tournament itself will take place on the 18th.

Stay tuned for Tourney Schedule and the Staff vs. Guardians Pick-Up Game Sign-up.

Resources and Support for LGBTQIA+ Families & Children

Many parents reach out seeking guidance and resources to help support students who are questioning their gender and/or sexual identity. Questions about gender and sexuality are just one of the many facets that might be explored as children make sense of who they are and form their own sense of identity. For children to feel safe and empowered in this process, the most important factor is unconditional love and acceptance from family members. We’ve gathered some resources to help parents navigate the sometimes confusing or difficult conversations when a child is questioning, as well as additional information and local resources for supporting children who identify as LGBTQIA+.

For information about Rainbow Alliance, Evergreen’s GSA for students in 5-8, please reach out to Hunter, hunter.holland@evergreenccs.org. Note that out of respect for privacy and to ensure a safe space, individual names and identities of student members are not shared with individuals who are not in Rainbow Alliance.

How To Support Kids Who are Questioning

How To Support LGBTQ+ Children

Local Resources:

PFLAG Asheville- Family & ally organization providing education and support groups. 

Youth OUTright- Education, support, and empowerment organization serving LGBTQIA+ youth ages 11-20.

Upcoming Parent Workshops

Click image above to register

Click image above to register

Going to the doctor?

a dentist, a therapist,

a kid-centric club/group/activity?

Take a few flyers w/ you!

Please only take these to businesses where you have a relationship, and ask before you leave them!

Welcome to the Flyering Committee!

Our General Flyer- great for Kindy-general elem enrollment

Middle School Specific Flyer - Please take to spaces that you and/or your Middle Schooler frequent!

Flyers are available for pick up in the Main Office now thru the end of February!

Evergreen Community Charter School is currently recruiting Board members who can represent our Asheville community for the 2024-2025 school year!

Are you interested in stepping into Evergreen’s leadership?  We encourage everyone interested to apply!

Serving on the Evergreen Board is both an honor and a gift offered by Board members. A Board term is three years. Here is a little information about the structure of the Board, Board roles, and expectations of Board members. Please share the Board application with friends and others in your network!!

Applications are due February 28. If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Laine Talley, Chair of the Nominating & Evaluation Committee using this form.


1 spot left - 5:30pm-6:30pm!

The sign up link is HERE.

We are looking for volunteers to chaperone the middle school dance on February 2, 2024. 

Middle schoolers don't always want their own parents chaperoning their dance, so we are asking our whole community to help out.

Little Actions, Big Payoffs

Earn cash for Evergreen by taking a moment to link your grocery accounts to the school! This has to be done anew each year. Have you re-registered yet?

Remember Box Tops for Education? Now you don’t even have to cut off the cereal box top and save them in plastic baggies, we’re in the digital age, baby! Simply download the App and scan your receipts, wherever you shop.

Artsonia also gives a percentage of your purchases to the school. So start your masterpiece mug collection!

Evergreen School # 10713

January 18th, 2024

Fifth Grade is Collecting Food Donations during the month of February

Beginning February 1st, Fifth Grade will be collecting donations for Manna Food Bank’s Annual Student Food Drive. Area schools compete to collect the most pounds of food to help those struggling with food insecurity. Financial donations, volunteer participation, and community engagement also count toward the school’s total donation weigh-in.

Please consider donating: Canned food (veggies, pasta sauce, etc.), Dry foods (cereal, rice, pasta, meal kits, etc.), Snacks (bars, fruit, apple sauce, etc.) Collection bins will be placed in the office, main entrance foyer, middle school hallway, and the 5/6 hallway. All unexpired, non-perishable food that is collected will be donated to the non-profit at the end of Feb. 

Click here to be connected to resources.

Fifth Graders will be volunteering at Manna on Feb. 1st and Feb. 2nd. They invite you to sign up for volunteer opportunities as well. Please let the volunteer coordinator know you are with Evergreen Community Charter School.

There is also a representative coming on Tues. Feb 6th to speak with our students about Hunger/Nutrition/Food Insecurity in our community.

Please give what you can, or use the available resources if you need help! You can use the Food Finder link, above, or remember that Evergreen has a food pantry with resources available anytime you may need assistance, just ask at the front desk, or email Sarah Shah.

An infographic covers much of the information in the preceding paragraph, but with cartoon food and Manna Logos. Info not in the above paragraph: In WNC 1 in 4 children experience food insecurity! We need your help in the fight against hunger!

Going to the doctor?

a dentist, a therapist,

a kid-centric club/group/activity?

Take a few flyers w/ you!

Please only take these to businesses where you have a relationship, and ask before you leave them!

Welcome to the Flyering Committee!

Our General Flyer- great for Kindy-general elem enrollment

Middle School Specific Flyer - Please take to spaces that you and/or your Middle Schooler frequent!

Flyers are available for pick up in the Main Office now thru the end of February!

A line of children’s hands and faces are shown digging with their fingers in a raised bed to plant a seed for our Kinder Garden.

A New Feather for Our Cap!

Evergreen was just named an EnviroSmart School of Excellence! Here are some of the values of an EnviroSmart School:

  • Create school grounds that enhance their use as learning environments AND add to the ecological integrity of their community,

  • Be responsible stewards of our natural resources of energy, water, air,

  • Engage life-cycle product awareness for school materials to reduce waste,

  • Build healthy and fit lives, 

  • Integrate curriculum with hands-on learning and field studies that help students experience and understand the natural environment and their place in it,

  • Energize classrooms with the power of  STE(A)M,

  • Build partnerships with the community to foster mutually valuable stewardship and civic engagement opportunities,

  • Create a school philosophy and culture that embraces sustainability, encourages ongoing professional development and sparks the creativity and engagement of all its members,

  • Engage innovative ideas.

The picture shows children on a playing field. One child in the foreground is running toward a traffic cone with Hula Hoops balanced around it.

A Fun, Schoolwide Fund-Raising Tournament: Tourney of the Hoops. March 18th, 2024. Evergreen community Charter School.

Tourney of the Hoops

Three Age Brackets.
Three Ridiculous Trophies.
One Goal: To Have Fun while
Raising Money for the School!

March 11th-15th is Spirit Week. In addition to fun dress days, (purposefully planned to be as stress free as possible!) students will gather pledges through personal pledge pages. Sponsors can pledge per minute of play or give a set donation amount.

Each day grade levels will have a chance to win incentives based on percentage of grade level participation (vs dollar amount).

Save the Date! More information and volunteer sign-up sheets to come!

Parents are invited to attend as volunteers or as spectators. We will also be inviting parents to sign-up
for a pick-up game after dismissal for a round of Parents vs. Staff!

Black and White Image of last year’s middle school dance shows a line of young women in dresses and sneakers dancing. There is a large crowd of dancers behind them. We assume it’s the Cupid Shuffle.


3 spots left!

We are looking for volunteers to chaperone the middle school dance on February 2, 2024. 

Middle schoolers don't always want their own parents chaperoning their dance, so we are asking our whole community to help out.

The sign up link is HERE.
There are slots open from 5:30pm-8:30pm.  

National Mentoring Month

January is National Mentoring Month and for most young people, a bond or even a conversation with someone who believes in them can make a tremendous difference in their lives, exposing them to new goals, new ideas, and new ways of doing things. Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges and makes them feel like they matter. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. Ultimately, mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity. Yet at least one in three young people will grow up without this critical asset. Our community is very fortunate that we have several amazing options for our youth. Check out these programs below!

Buncombe County Youth Mentorship Resources:

Youth Matters
Evergreen’s very own Andy Miller Website:https://www.unitedwayabc.org/youth-matters     

IIEC YOUTH AND TEEN INC. is an organization that builds relationships in the community, in the school system, and with the families of the students attending our programs. The Youth Matters Program is designed to be an outlet for youth and teens who may need additional educational support, structure, guidance, mentorship, and love. We also offer mentorship and leadership opportunities through our collaborative partnerships.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Western North Carolina


Community-Based Program: Mentors at least 18 years of age are matched with children 6 - 14 years of age who are from single parent homes or living with a relative, for twice monthly opportunities to engage in fun community activities.

After School Program: Mentors at least 16 years of age are matched with children for activities at their after school program site, including homework, field games, board games, and arts and crafts.

School-Based Program: Mentors at least 16 years of age are matched with elementary age children for academic support and fun activities at their school.

Mentoring And Nurturing Our Students M.A.N.O.S.

Website: https://unetenc.org/manos/

Phone: (828) 273-9065

Mentoring and Nurturing Our Students (M.A.N.O.S.) is a program designed to encourage Latino youth to pursue higher education and careers. The program offers mentorship, support, and resources to help students achieve their academic and career goals. The program works to cultivate a culture of academic achievement, social engagement, and community accountability among Latino youth. Services include academic tutoring, college and career exploration, leadership development, and community service opportunities. The program also provides workshops and seminars on topics such as financial literacy, college admissions, and career readiness.

Birds fly away from gathering clouds.

Journeymen Asheville

Website: https://journeymenasheville.org/

Journeymen mentors adolescent males (ages 12-17) during their transformation to becoming men of integrity. Our mentors model authentic masculinity and nurture self-awareness and emotional growth, while challenging and assisting boys to discover their unique gifts. Our goal is to help male-identified youth step into new aspects of themselves, allowing an opportunity to let go of old patterns that no longer serve, while stepping into a new more integrated identity. We help teenage boys grow into authentic human beings.

My Daddy Taught Me That


Phone number: (828) 582 2261

My Daddy Taught Me That is a non-profit agency providing mentoring programs for middle and high school youth in the greater Asheville area. The program forms partnerships with: local schools, low income housing developments, the juvenile court system, churches (and other faith groups), social service agencies, and many more to foster a commitment to adolescent male youths that promotes prosocial friendships, strong interpersonal skills, good decision-making, acceptance of responsibility, and accountability for their actions. The mission of My Daddy Taught Me That is to assist in developing young males into Righteous, Respectable, and Responsible MEN through empowerment, education, and support.

If you have any questions about these listed programs or need support in finding the best match for your child, reach out to Annie Mast (K-4) or Hunter Holland (5-8) using the form below, and we will be happy to help!

Evergreen Community Charter School is currently recruiting Board members who can represent our Asheville community for the 2024-2025 school year!

Are you interested in stepping into Evergreen’s leadership?  We encourage everyone interested to apply!

Serving on the Evergreen Board is both an honor and a gift offered by Board members. A Board term is three years. Here is a little information about the structure of the Board, Board roles, and expectations of Board members. Please share the Board application with friends and others in your network!!

Applications are due February 28. If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Laine Talley, Chair of the Nominating & Evaluation Committee using this form.

Little Actions, Big Payoffs

Earn cash for Evergreen by taking a moment to link your grocery accounts to the school! This has to be done anew each year. Have you re-registered yet?

Remember Box Tops for Education? Now you don’t even have to cut off the cereal box top and save them in plastic baggies, we’re in the digital age, baby! Simply download the App and scan your receipts, wherever you shop.

Artsonia also gives a percentage of your purchases to the school. So start your masterpiece mug collection!

Evergreen School # 10713

January 11th, 2024

Inclement Weather

A reminder that Evergreen does not follow Buncombe County or Asheville City Schools in weather related decisions. When we decide to close or delay, we communicate that information via text, phone call, social media announcement, a pop-up on the website’s landing page, and WLOS school closings page.

You can review the official policies in the handbook. (Page 53)

We recognize that our school community commutes from differing parts of the county, and that weather can look very different, depending on your elevation. If conditions where you live are unsafe, you may make the determination not to attend classes that day, and that absence will be excused. Please just let us know by filling out the Tardy/ Absent Form.

Evergreen is closed in honor of MLK Jr Day on Monday, January 15th. If you are able, please join us for a day of service at The Burton Street Peace Garden.

The Burton Street Peace Garden and Market is a community hub for environmental stewardship and social justice projects that support the resiliency of both human and natural ecosystems in the Burton Street neighborhood of West Asheville and beyond!  Growing food, sustaining pollinators and wildlife, engaging youth, caring for elders, growing community through sharing story and voice, through art and activism...these are just some of the ways the community at Burton Street are doing the work.  

If you are craving being in a space with others who are living a mission similar to ours here at Evergreen, this is a place and a time where you can do that.  
Kids welcome!

Other Ways to Honor Dr. King in the coming week:

  • Kenilworth Celebration, a potluck followed by a discussion of the unique connection between Soul City and Asheville.

  • Peace Rally and March to Pack Square which happens every year sponsored by Martin Luther King Jr. Association of Asheville and Buncombe Co. The march portion meets at 12:30 at St. James AME, 44 Hildebrand Street. If you choose to attend the service beforehand, we urge you to reserve seating for community members who attend the church regularly.

  • Candlelight Service held at Trinity Episcopal.

A Fun, Schoolwide Fund-Raising Tournament: Tourney of the Hoops. March 18th, 2024. Evergreen community Charter School.

The picture shows children on a playing field. One child in the foreground is running toward a traffic cone with Hula Hoops balanced around it.

Tourney of the Hoops

Three Age Brackets.
Three Ridiculous Trophies.
One Goal: To Have Fun while
Raising Money for the School!

March 11th-15th is Spirit Week. In addition to fun dress days, (purposefully planned to be as stress free as possible!) students will gather pledges through personal pledge pages. Sponsors can pledge per minute of play or give a set donation amount.

Each day grade levels will have a chance to win incentives based on percentage of grade level participation (vs dollar amount).

Save the Date! More information and volunteer sign-up sheets to come!


We are looking for volunteers to chaperone the middle school dance on February 2, 2024. 

Middle schoolers don't always want their own parents chaperoning their dance, so we are asking our whole community to help out.

The sign up link is HERE.
There are slots open from 5:30pm-8:30pm.  


Annie and Bash, trying to blend in on campus!

Hello Evergreen Families!

For this week’s Counseling Corner I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. Many of you might already know me, but I am likely a new face to our new families this year! My name is Annie Mast and I am the Elementary Counselor/Behavior Support for Kindergarten – 4th Grade. I am returning from maternity leave after having a baby this past July, and I am excited to be back with all of you in this wonderful Evergreen Community!

A little about me: My family includes my husband Mike (“Coach Mike” to some of our Evergreen Ultimate Frisbee Alum!), our new baby Sebastian (“Bash”), our sweet fur-family Rory (dog), and Callie and Wookie (Cats). I fill my bucket by playing music, seeing live music, dancing, and getting outside in the sunshine! But, right now my most favorite thing to do is just being at home with my family, playing with Baby Bash and introducing him to all of the wonder and beauty in the world! I am a North Carolina native, but I spent 8 years living in Memphis, TN and Atlanta, GA working as a Music Therapist and Creative Expressive Arts Therapist before settling in Asheville in 2014. I first came to Evergreen as a graduate intern in 2016 and officially joined the staff in 2017 after completing my Master’s in Counseling at Western Carolina. I LOVE music and believe deeply in its ability to soothe and heal, and I actively seek opportunities to integrate music/arts into my role here at school, including joining Mr. Brian for K-2 Song Circle every Thursday morning…it is one of the highlights of my week!

As your Elementary Counselor, I work alongside students, staff, and families to support our students in becoming their best selves. It is a great honor to support your children, be part of their journeys, and witness their hard work and growth each year. The counseling programming I provide includes both individual and small group counseling opportunities, whole class social-emotional learning lessons, and on-call response for students needing in-the-moment support during the school day. You can learn more about me and the programming I provide HERE. You are welcome to reach out to me throughout the school year as needs arise. Please let me know if there are ways I can offer support/assistance to your child. And lastly, if you see me in the halls, please come up to say hello and introduce yourself!

I am so looking forward to meeting and getting to know our new students and families who I haven’t met yet!

Evergreen Community Charter School is currently recruiting Board members who can represent our Asheville community for the 2024-2025 school year!

Are you interested in stepping into Evergreen’s leadership?  We encourage everyone interested to apply!

Serving on the Evergreen Board is both an honor and a gift offered by Board members. A Board term is three years. Here is a little information about the structure of the Board, Board roles, and expectations of Board members. Please share the Board application with friends and others in your network!!

Applications are due February 28. If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Laine Talley, Chair of the Nominating & Evaluation Committee at heatherltalley@gmail.com.

Little Actions, Big Payoffs

Earn cash for Evergreen by taking a moment to link your grocery accounts to the school! This has to be done anew each year. Have you re-registered yet?

Remember Box Tops for Education? Now you don’t even have to cut off the cereal box top and save them in plastic baggies, we’re in the digital age, baby! Simply download the App and scan your receipts, wherever you shop.

Artsonia also gives a percentage of your purchases to the school. So start your masterpiece mug collection!

Evergreen School # 10713

January 4th, 2024



Evergreen Community Charter School is currently recruiting Board members who can represent our Asheville community for the 2024-2025 school year!

Are you interested in stepping into Evergreen’s leadership?  We encourage everyone interested to apply!

Serving on the Evergreen Board is both an honor and a gift offered by Board members. A Board term is three years. Here is a little information about the structure of the Board, Board roles, and expectations of Board members. Please share the Board application with friends and others in your network!!

Applications are due February 28. If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Laine Talley, Chair of the Nominating & Evaluation Committee at heatherltalley@gmail.com.

Little Actions, Big Payoffs

Earn Cash for Evergreen by taking a moment to link your grocery accounts to the school! This has to be done anew each year. Have you re-registered yet?

Remember Box Tops for Education? Now you don’t even have to cut off the cereal box top and save them in plastic baggies, we’re in the digital age, baby! Simply download the App and scan your receipts, wherever you shop.

Artsonia also gives a percentage of your purchases to the school. So start your masterpiece mug collection!

Evergreen School # 10713